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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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You do realise they are achieving this by raising taxes right?


The alleged £350m a week won't exist after Brexit.


The famous Brexit Bus stated that when we leave the EU we would get £350 million in funding for the NHS. We're getting nearly double that. What a result!


Oppose Brexit, oppose funding the NHS.

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The famous Brexit Bus stated that when we leave the EU we would get £350 million in funding for the NHS. We're getting nearly double that. What a result!


Oppose Brexit, oppose funding the NHS.


We can have the funding with or without Brexit seeing the money will have to be found by increased taxes / frozen allowances / cuts to other spending.


Remember the £40 billion increase Gordon Brown gave the NHS from an increase in NI contributions?



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Would you rather the NHS didn't get the extra funding?


I''d rather funding had been matched to previous years, unforunately because of the hit to the economy from Brexit, that clearly isn't possible even if you're fudging the figures as this "below average" increase clearly shows.


The government has already acknowledged that a "Brexit dividend" doesn't exist.


Funding which has been promised by both the Conservative party and a larger increase from Labour. Only Brexit has made this NHS funding windfall possible.


Entirely untrue, this "uncosted" raise for the NHS is coming from tax increases and more borrowing. Again there is no Brexit dividend, quite the opposite.


Just imagine how much we'd have been able to afford to give the NHS without Brexit, it's clear it'd be considerably more ;)


That you're celebrating the NHS getting a LOWER increase than nearly every year for the past 70 really shows how desperate you've become, and how little regard you really have for those you claim to champion.

Edited by Magilla
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So who is setting up that contingency deal?


It’s ok just saying this stuff, but what is actually happening?


I would think if the UK is leaving Euratom, the government would be the best to make your enquiry.


Looks like being a busy time for Alliance Medical.

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I would think if the UK is leaving Euratom, the government would be the best to make your enquiry.


Looks like being a busy time for Alliance Medical.


Hold on, you seemed to imply it would be a simple solution.


So, is it happening?

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In which case deal direct, and let the EU find their own.


If things could not be more misunderstood. Euratom isn't just about sourcing nuclear material.


What about our membership to ITER. Where is the money going to come from for us to rejoin the club?

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The famous Brexit Bus stated that when we leave the EU we would get £350 million in funding for the NHS. We're getting nearly double that. What a result!


Oppose Brexit, oppose funding the NHS.


Ah.So the Brexit Bus is now to be treated as a firm pledge that is now being honoured.

Numerous previous posts suggested that only a fool would have interpreted it as such.

Well only a fool would fall for Theresa May’s attempt to link necessary NHS funding with a dreamt up Brexit dividend.

Any other passing straws that you wish to clutch?

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The famous Brexit Bus stated that when we leave the EU we would get £350 million in funding for the NHS. We're getting nearly double that. What a result!


Oppose Brexit, oppose funding the NHS.


Er no you are not.


350m a week is 20bn a year. Thats not double it's the same. And of course this isn't a permant fixture. They only get it once.


Brexiters. Can't even do basic arithmetic. :roll:

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So who is setting up that contingency deal?


It’s ok just saying this stuff, but what is actually happening?


Interesting feature on Sunday Politics (Yorks & Lincolnshire) this morning.


A seaport in Europe (can't remember which one) relies on the transport of £millions worth of cars to Humberside from Slovakia. They are very worried about Brexit but are stuck in limbo as nobody knows what will happen in less than a year's time, as the negotiations haven't even started yet!


It is not just us who are being shafted by Brexit!

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