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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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If we paid towards it and are stopped from using it then why shouldn’t we get our money back?


We are not being stopped from using it, we just have to pay for the service like any other commercial customer.


And the money we've put in has already been spent. If five people all put in to build a house together and after three years one of the five decided they were going to walk away and build their own house they could hardly then ask for everything they'd put into the project up to that point to be reimbursed. (well they could, but one of the others would probably point at the ground and say "That 500 tons of concrete in the foundations is your contribution. Would you like me to get you a pick and a shovel?")

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Writing a new law is one thing. We are going to fund this how?


Obviously understanding comes hard for you, I'll give you a clue after that you're on your own,


"British businesses will soon be able to compete in the commercial space race using UK spaceports."

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Obviously understanding comes hard for you, I'll give you a clue after that you're on your own,


"British businesses will soon be able to compete in the commercial space race using UK spaceports."


U.K. space ports?


You’ve lost it.


We can’t even afford to electrify the midland main line. :hihi:

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Did we get it for free , and make a profit from it ?


No, it's not finished yet lol.


It has the potential to be a huge money spinner as there is a rapidly increasing demand for GPS services globally and the only real competition for GPS is the US military and their system is getting a bit long in the tooth now.


No, it was an EU project that we could have shared in a shed load of cash generated by it (as well as getting our GPS services free) and now we will make nothing, miss out on the profits and have to pay to use someone else's system.


Another stunning triumph for Vote Leave!

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We are not being stopped from using it, we just have to pay for the service like any other commercial customer.


And the money we've put in has already been spent. If five people all put in to build a house together and after three years one of the five decided they were going to walk away and build their own house they could hardly then ask for everything they'd put into the project up to that point to be reimbursed. (well they could, but one of the others would probably point at the ground and say "That 500 tons of concrete in the foundations is your contribution. Would you like me to get you a pick and a shovel?")


Then surely one fifth of that house would still be owned by that man . Maybe he could say " no , the footings are not mine , the roof is , would you like me to get you some tarpaulin "

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We are not being stopped from using it, we just have to pay for the service like any other commercial customer.


And the money we've put in has already been spent. If five people all put in to build a house together and after three years one of the five decided they were going to walk away and build their own house they could hardly then ask for everything they'd put into the project up to that point to be reimbursed. (well they could, but one of the others would probably point at the ground and say "That 500 tons of concrete in the foundations is your contribution. Would you like me to get you a pick and a shovel?")


When you have a share of a house you get it valued and ask the remaining owners for a fifth of that value otherwise the shar3 of the house is going on the market.

Only a muppet would walk away......

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Then surely one fifth of that house would still be owned by that man . Maybe he could say " no , the footings are not mine , the roof is , would you like me to get you some tarpaulin "


Maybe my example was too simplistic. :D


Any modern project is predicated on the assumption that everyone puts in and sticks with it until completion. Anyone pulling out before this will forfeit their investment. This is almost certainly how the Galileo project was constituted. We leave, and we walk away with nothing!


(less than nothing as UK companies have now lost out on some pretty lucrative contracts)

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No, it's not finished yet lol.


It has the potential to be a huge money spinner as there is a rapidly increasing demand for GPS services globally and the only real competition for GPS is the US military and their system is getting a bit long in the tooth now.


No, it was an EU project that we could have shared in a shed load of cash generated by it (as well as getting our GPS services free) and now we will make nothing, miss out on the profits and have to pay to use someone else's system.


Another stunning triumph for Vote Leave!


" Not finished yet lol" that dosent answer the question " did we get it for free and make a profit on it ? "

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There is this,


"New laws unlock exciting space era for UK

British businesses will soon be able to compete in the commercial space race using UK spaceports."



And here's the spacecraft :cool:



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We owe the EU 40bn. So that’s four years wiped out.


We don't 'owe' the EU a penny.


The EU refused to put an official figure on the amount we 'owed' them for a long time, claiming it was impossible to do so. Then they demanded £100 billion. They are just chancers trying to con their way into our money. The £40 billion is extremely legally dubious.


We should walk away and not pay them a penny. Without our £40 billion the EU would be on a very precarious economic footing.

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