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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Serously?! Technologies that they helped develop through the ESA, along with ESA-NASA collaborations. Not forgetting of course that US space exploration was built on German rocket science!


---------- Post added 18-06-2018 at 10:30 ----------



What about selling to Europe? That is where we will get shafted, not on buying from Europe.



Ye of little faith in your own country,




Then the EU will get shafted by the UK not buying from the EU, who do you think the biggest loser will be?

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The U.K. is a bit player in, and late comer to, private commercial space (and I distinguish that from public and semi-public commercial space, such as ESA/Galileo stuff, for which see here).


There’s a few reasons China, Japan -and these days the US (yes, the Donald indeed) itself- are beating a path to Luxembourg in relation to private commercial space. Probably a bit of it to do with these guys’s decades-old, global expertise in ‘making space pay’ (and pay in a big way), and their modern space resources law ;)

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I see The Sun and Telegraph have rubbished Mays "Brexit dividend", even they can't spin that lie!


Same with Jeremy Hunt and Farage this morning ;)


Doesn't seem to be working out as well as planned by the sound of it.


Shameless stolen from Newsthump (sorry, a facebook link but I do try and credit my sources !) :


The "Brexit Dividend"


Spending money you don't have, to celebrate a deal you haven't done, to placate voters angry at not getting what they wanted.

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Shameless stolen from Newsthump (sorry, a facebook link but I do try and credit my sources !) :


The "Brexit Dividend"


Spending money you don't have, to celebrate a deal you haven't done, to placate voters angry at not getting what they wanted.


Even Boris Johnson is saying it's a "down payment" on a theoretical future "Brexit dividend". In other words, borrowing in the hope that something will turn up, exactly the kind of thing they berate Labour for all the time.

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Even Boris Johnson is saying it's a "down payment" on a theoretical future "Brexit dividend". In other words, borrowing in the hope that something will turn up, exactly the kind of thing they berate Labour for all the time.
It costs, I would guess, about £100,000 to employ a civil servant in London what with salary, pension, office provision, etc.


There are 10,000 CS in the DExEU, that is a cost of £1 billion a year. So 10% of the (simple maths-) savings of quitting the EU is already taken up with the administrative horsepower to try and implement it.


Add in the £40 billion exit cost, the cost of duplicating the 36 EU agencies (like the medicines and banking that used to reside in the UK) to continue trading with the world, and the U.K. is unlikely to see any dividend.


Rather, a sizeable deficit when you add the extra numbers to be employed by the UK Border Force and HMR&C staff to inspect all these shipments. And now, with an extra £600m per week to the NHS on top.


All that, was just the direct cost to HMG.


Now add in the cost of customs documentation for all these shipments to be paid by Industry (I seem to recall a sum per year in double-digit billions?) and, without even considering the non-trivial indirect costs (cancelled FDI, relocated jobs à la Land Rover, fast-eroding tax base), it’s beyond obvious that the cost of any form of Brexit will be massive. Even the softest.


Makes for fascinating entertainment, all the same.

Edited by L00b
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Then surely one fifth of that house would still be owned by that man . Maybe he could say " no , the footings are not mine , the roof is , would you like me to get you some tarpaulin "


When you have a share of a house you get it valued and ask the remaining owners for a fifth of that value otherwise the share of the house is going on the market.

Yes- so person5 would be entitled to 20% of the house's value, since it would be held on trust.

Hence the UK ought to receive-back its fair share of what it [ = taxpayers] paid into the whole Ponzi/pyramid scheme which Mr Heath knowingly foisted on it.

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Yes- so person5 would be entitled to 20% of the house's value, since it would be held on trust.


I take it that you haven't seen the original agreement drawn up when this project was originated.


Almost all large jointly managed and financed infrastructure or technology projects are predicated on the assumption that all parties remain committed to the project until completion. This will be locked down by lawyers from all parties and given the amount of money involved, as well as the security implications, this agreement will be watertight. I suspect that there will also be provision for financial penalties for walking away from the project, but given that once the UK has left the EU, it could not be forced to remain part of it, the compromise will be that they walk away with nothing.

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Even Boris Johnson is saying it's a "down payment" on a theoretical future "Brexit dividend". In other words, borrowing in the hope that something will turn up, exactly the kind of thing they berate Labour for all the time.

Shaking the money tree again just like they did with the DUP, just to prop themselves up :roll:

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Shaking the money tree again just like they did with the DUP, just to prop themselves up :roll:



On the Telly at lunchtime , it would appear that Liebour if elected would add another 2% to the Tory 3.4% giving a total of 5.4%. Of course this has been fully costed, Diane again?.


It strikes me this Politics game is been treated like a game of cards, bluff and double bluff. Fed up with the whole lot of them.



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It strikes me this Politics game is been treated like a game of cards, bluff and double bluff. Fed up with the whole lot of them.

Thats all it is, glad we agree on something, its all look at me im doing this, dont listen to them theyre rubbish, game of propaganda. like this money for the NHS, its spun as a "brexit dividend" but tax is going up to pay it, so its a "tax dividend"


---------- Post added 18-06-2018 at 19:58 ----------


oh yeah and another defeat for the government by the lords :hihi:



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