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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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oh yeah and another defeat for the government by the lords :hihi:




That looks tactical to me.


Usually etiquette dictates that if the Lords vote against the government and it goes back to the Commons, if it is sent back to the Lords again they accede to the government line.


However, given that it looks like the Tory remainers were lied to about a compromise on a meaningful vote, the Lords have send it back to the Commons knowing full well that the remainers won't be so easily fooled second time round.


Given that rumour has it that there are Tory remainers who are keeping their powder dry, this could force the government to agree to Parliament being given a say on whatever deal is proposed (if they ever get round to negotiating one!)

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On the Telly at lunchtime , it would appear that Liebour if elected would add another 2% to the Tory 3.4% giving a total of 5.4%. Of course this has been fully costed, Diane again?.


It strikes me this Politics game is been treated like a game of cards, bluff and double bluff. Fed up with the whole lot of them.



Labour don't have a manifesto commitment to reduce personal and corporate taxes like the Tories do. Quite the opposite in fact.


Labour are pointing out the Tory's difficulty in spending more on the NHS whilst keeping their manifesto commitments.

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On the Telly at lunchtime , it would appear that Liebour if elected would add another 2% to the Tory 3.4% giving a total of 5.4%. Of course this has been fully costed, Diane again?.


It strikes me this Politics game is been treated like a game of cards, bluff and double bluff. Fed up with the whole lot of them.




The Tories are giving us a tax bombshell!


Labour and the Liberal Democrats were right, the NHS needs funding better.

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"We will use funds returned from Brussels after Brexit to invest in our public services and the jobs of the future, not tax cuts for the richest"


Jeremy Corbyn, February 2018.


Voting Leave was, in reality, a vote to save the NHS.

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"We will use funds returned from Brussels after Brexit to invest in our public services and the jobs of the future, not tax cuts for the richest"


Jeremy Corbyn, February 2018.


Voting Leave was, in reality, a vote to save the NHS.

Last time i looked Corbyn wasnt in the government, nor is this coming from a brexit dividend :roll:

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Funds returned from Brussels ARE a Brexit dividend!


Please keep up.


There's no Brexit dividend when the money we won't be paying is less than the reduced tax take due to the smaller post Brexit economy. No-one is seriously pretending that any form of Brexit isn't going to make us poorer.

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Voting Leave was, in reality, a vote to save the NHS.




Immigration, yes. Sovereignty, yes. Dislike of foreigners, yes. Replacing kilos with pounds, yes. Straight bananas, yes.


I don't recall anyone who voted leave having any concern for the NHS whatsoever.

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Funds returned from Brussels ARE a Brexit dividend!


Please keep up.



"Some of the extra funding I am promising will come from using the money we will no longer spend on our annual membership subscription to the European Union after we have left."

That we havent got and might never have if we find it will cost far more to opt out of everything.


However, she added that "taxpayers will have to contribute a bit more in a fair and balanced way to support the NHS we all use".

more like it, NO brexit dividend, all propaganda all nicely lapped up by the brexit lapdogs


Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said the boost in funding was agreed with the Treasury on the basis it would come from three sources - Brexit, economic growth and the taxation system.


if we dont get funds from brexit, and the economy doesnt grow because of brexit, that leaves one way, taxes


talking of which, oooh look



UK economy faces weakest growth since 2009, employers warn


and households "could" be 1k worse off


Edited by melthebell
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There's no Brexit dividend when the money we won't be paying is less than the reduced tax take due to the smaller post Brexit economy. No-one is seriously pretending that any form of Brexit isn't going to make us poorer.
Isn't it a little bit ironic to see Brexiteers like Car Boot resort to 'Brexit dividend' economic arguments in opportunistic support of Brexit, when they've been shutting down Remainers' economic arguments as 'Project Fear' so steadfastly for the last 2 years?


Well, I see the fun in it anyway :lol:

Edited by L00b
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