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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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march next year will see a shift in the way the eu operates they are trying to frighten a country not afraid to fight (remember 2 world wars) against a european country. they are afraid that the house of cards will come tumbling down so are trying to scare us into submission let me tell you it wont work :roll:
Suuure :D


Brexit: EU leaders set to warn Theresa May over talks and step up preparations for ‘no deal', leaked documents reveal



[*]In light of the state of play presented by the Union negotiator, the European Council welcomes the further progress made on parts of the legal text of the Withdrawal Agreement.

[*]The European Council expresses its concern that no substantial progress has yet been achieved on agreeing a backstop solution for Ireland/Northern Ireland. It recalls the commitments undertaken by the UK in this respect in December 2017 and March 2018, and insists on the need for intensified efforts so that the Withdrawal Agreement, including its provisions on transition, can be concluded as soon as possible in order to come into effect on the date of withdrawal. It recalls that negotiations can only progress as long as all commitments undertaken so far are respected in full.

[*]Work must also be accelerated with a view to preparing a political declaration on the framework for the future relationship. This requires further clarity from the UK as regards its position on the future relationship. The European Council reconfirms its position set out in the guidelines March 2018.

[*]The European Council renews its call upon Member States and all stakeholders to step up their work on preparedness at all levels for all outcomes.

Translation: shape up or ship out without a withdrawal agreement.


All fully as expected according the EU's negotiation playbook since 29 April 2017. Fully published at the time, no less.


2 years on from the referendum, you guys are still clueless, clinging to jingoistic snake oil like a newborn to a teat. Long may it continue, says I :thumbsup:

Edited by L00b
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Except that every survey of those who didn't vote (for whatever reason) had 60-70% in favour of remaining in the EU, and 85-90% of those 16-18year olds who were prevented from voting.


Anyway, that is now ancient history.


In June 2018 there is a clear majority in favour of remaining so those Brextremists who shout 'We won the vote" and "Respect the will of the People" are in the minority now, and will be increasingly so as time goes on.


Get it right 16/ 17 year olds . 18 year olds could vote . Stop bending it Again Third time you have mentioned 16/18 year olds , are you in that age range ?


---------- Post added 19-06-2018 at 23:28 ----------


Oh, I'm sorry, I thought she was our prime minister, you know the one ultimately responsible for brexit.


I don't know if you've noticed but SHE'S A ******* LIABILITY.


Good luck with Jeremy :hihi: and take note , no shouting or swear words in this post :)

Edited by hackey lad
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Get it right 16/ 17 year olds . 18 year olds could vote . Stop bending it Again Third time you have mentioned 16/18 year olds , are you in that age range ?


---------- Post added 19-06-2018 at 23:28 ----------



Good luck with Jeremy :hihi: and take note , no shouting or swear words in this post :)


You see, you're clinging to this them-and-us mentality- on the brexit issue party politics is dead, burried and has been decaying for two years.


Hes a liability. They're both clueless, hamstrung by large sections of their own party and with no guts or smarts to sort it - there's no good outcome with the current batch of politicians.


We've given the keys to country to that lot. And the DUP.


Now I can't catch a plane and stroll into a well paid job in the EU. I'm here, I'm buggered and I'd very much like a plan from somebody because in two years I've seen the square root of sod all.

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You see, you're clinging to this them-and-us mentality- on the brexit issue party politics is dead, burried and has been decaying for two years.


Hes a liability. They're both clueless, hamstrung by large sections of their own party and with no guts or smarts to sort it - there's no good outcome with the current batch of politicians.


We've given the keys to country to that lot. And the DUP.


Now I can't catch a plane and stroll into a well paid job in the EU. I'm here, I'm buggered and I'd very much like a plan from somebody because in two years I've seen the square root of sod all.


Im not hamstrung by nowt , who knows what the future holds . Enjoy it while you are here , because venting on here isn't helping you

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You see, you're clinging to this them-and-us mentality- on the brexit issue party politics is dead, burried and has been decaying for two years.


Hes a liability. They're both clueless, hamstrung by large sections of their own party and with no guts or smarts to sort it - there's no good outcome with the current batch of politicians.


We've given the keys to country to that lot. And the DUP.


Now I can't catch a plane and stroll into a well paid job in the EU. I'm here, I'm buggered and I'd very much like a plan from somebody because in two years I've seen the square root of sod all.


I may be wrong, but what is the difference between now and the future, and pre-entry, are you actually saying that Brits did not work in other European countries before we joined the common market?

Edited by phil752
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I may be wrong, but what is the difference between now and the future, and pre-entry, are you actually saying that Brits did not work in other European countries before we joined the common market?


Of course we did. We had thousands over there in the 1940s.

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I may be wrong, but what is the difference between now and the future, (...)
Perhaps ask the Discovery assemblers whom Tata is making redundant, when they shift the plant to Slovakia?


tinfoilhat is bang on the money. Brexit isn't about left/right party politics. It's an issue of national interest, and both parties are still as divided over it as the electorate itself, 2 years after the referendum and with about 4 useful months left to go.


People get the governance they deserve. Not the first time I've recalled that truism in the past 2 years.

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Why did the remain voters not vote ? Too lazy ?, thought it was a foregone conclusion that we would remain ?


Most leave voters are getting something they never voted for.


Less than 40% of people thought we would leave the single market



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Brexit: Brussels bars aviation chiefs from preparing for no-deal



Looks like the "never going to happen" planes won't fly thing stands a good chance of happening and the industrys shrieks are getting rather shrill about it.


For the UK companies that make these parts the choice is pretty stark.... move the the EU or risk going bump.


Another slow clap for the Brexiters!


---------- Post added 20-06-2018 at 10:08 ----------


UK could lose £10bn a year in City-related tax revenue after Brexit



Sir Mark Boleat, who was chairman of the City of London Corporation until last year, said a seepage of jobs from the capital was already underway and that the political rows over a deal or no-deal outcome was now “irrelevant” to City chief executives.


“It is no longer contingency planning. If you are running a bank it is non-negotiable. The regulators won’t allow it,” he said.


“This is a 10-year operation. In the short term it won’t be noticeable in terms of staff. Banks won’t be putting out press releases saying they are moving some of their operations because of Brexit because they don’t want the publicity. They are just getting on with it."


“Those who suggested that some business would move were accused of scaremongering,” he will say before listing 15 major banks and financial services who have already set up on the continent or Dublin.

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Out of Gallileo and out of the common crime databases as well, why is anyone surprised that leaving the club means losing the club benefits?


Schengen information system II, a vast database used by police across Europe to search for terrorist suspects and missing people and to check vehicle registrations and passport details. It contains information on 36,000 criminal suspects, 103,000 missing people and nearly 500,000 non-EU citizens denied entry to Europe.



The UK, which is not a member of the EU’s passport-free Schengen zone, joined the database in 2015 after negotiating a special deal. At the time, the Home Office minister James Brokenshire hailed the system as “another vital weapon in the fight against global crime and terrorism”.

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