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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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But according to David Davis on the front page of the express we'll be fine after a hard brexit because....wait for it.....it's well worth it............



......we speak English.


David Davis ladies and gentlemen, Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union.


To be fair he's right, I had no problem ordering a beer in Greece last week in English.


I may not be able to afford a beer in Greece after a hard brexit, but no-one can take my language away. ;)

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The government will be forced to educate and train young people here for jobs,


Good luck with that in a post-Brexit economy.


The great irony is that this may end up with many people from the UK either travelling abroad for better wages or Airbus and BMW relocating back to the UK as a very convenient Western European based low wage economy.

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But according to David Davis on the front page of the express we'll be fine after a hard brexit because....wait for it.....it's well worth it............



......we speak English.


David Davis ladies and gentlemen, Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union.


“And in 10 years time we will be asking what the fuss was all about?

The English language is already in widespread usage as a second language,so no advantage there.

Perhaps we can steal a march by insisting that all school leavers must be fluent in Urdu and Mandarin so that we can more easily communicate with the world markets that we are aiming for.

We are being led by short term politicians desperately trying to implement “the will of the people”

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I agree, our successive governments have done NOTHING to train young people properly for decades, Its got nothing to do with the EU, its got nothing to do with immigration, our governments have failed to train people correctly.[COLOR="Silver"]


---------- Post added 23-06-2018 at 10:20 ----------



Rest of the world caught up, and we are on a race to the bottom, the rich have stolen all the money, and cut everything else for the masses to the bare minimum.

We are being raped by the rich.


the likes of Rees Mogg, Bojo the clown, Arron Banks


my bold=

Why do you think our successive govts have done nothing to train young people?

It’s because there is an endless supply of already trained people from the EU...:rolleyes:

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my bold=

Why do you think our successive govts have done nothing to train young people?

It’s because there is an endless supply of already trained people from the EU...:rolleyes:

nope, its just a betrayl of young people, its nothing to do with immigrants, our leaders have NEVER given a ****, just drifted along, theres plenty more thing they have neglected, not just that

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nope, its just a betrayl of young people, its nothing to do with immigrants, our leaders have NEVER given a ****, just drifted along, theres plenty more thing they have neglected, not just that


So true and it's not just young people. I am a working class pensioner who voted to remain and this train crash is gathering speed at an alarming rate. Do any of the leavers I know realise this, no of course they don't "everything will be fine" they tell me.

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So true and it's not just young people. I am a working class pensioner who voted to remain and this train crash is gathering speed at an alarming rate. Do any of the leavers I know realise this, no of course they don't "everything will be fine" they tell me.

Its an easy target just to say immigrants did it, but its been happening a lot lot lot longer than this current set of project fear sorry i meant mass immigration. Anybody remember schemes like YOP? YTS? Community Programme? ET (extra tenner) back in the 80s?

Did people actually get proper training from them? proper qualifications? i know i didnt, in fact when i moved up here i got told by the dole to stop being a painter and decorator (which is what i did on a community programme and ET scheme) as i didnt have any actual qualifications in it, nor time served so wouldnt find a job in it)

They were just a way to massage the figures and make it look like people were "working"


we also lag behind the rest of the world in technology jobs and training.

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So true and it's not just young people. I am a working class pensioner who voted to remain and this train crash is gathering speed at an alarming rate. Do any of the leavers I know realise this, no of course they don't "everything will be fine" they tell me.


I often wonder how history will look back on this period.


I can see how people can be whipped up into a nationalistic frenzy by relentless fake news but there seems to be a strong, self destructive urge by a significant section of our society. A poll claiming most Leave supporters would be prepared to lose their job if it meant leaving the EU; a poll claiming most Leave supporters would be prepared to see vacancies go unfilled as long as immigration was halted; a poll saying that the majority of all people still support the Home Office 'hostile environment' for immigrants and interviews with people in Broughton when faced with the prospect of Airbus pulling out, shrugging their shoulders and saying 'well if that what it takes'


What has happened to these people? Have forty years of relentless free market economic policy ground large numbers of people down so much that they have completely lost all judgement?

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my bold=

Why do you think our successive govts have done nothing to train young people?

It’s because there is an endless supply of already trained people from the EU...:rolleyes:


The betrayal of young people started way before polish plumbers started showing up.

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