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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Its an easy target just to say immigrants did it, but its been happening a lot lot lot longer than this current set of project fear sorry i meant mass immigration. Anybody remember schemes like YOP? YTS? Community Programme? ET (extra tenner) back in the 80s?

Did people actually get proper training from them? proper qualifications? i know i didnt, in fact when i moved up here i got told by the dole to stop being a painter and decorator (which is what i did on a community programme and ET scheme) as i didnt have any actual qualifications in it, nor time served so wouldnt find a job in it)

They were just a way to massage the figures and make it look like people were "working"


we also lag behind the rest of the world in technology jobs and training.

I got a job from one of those schemes and still have.I did leave school with o levels as well though,i am sure that helped me.

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One hundred thousand bad losers who probably consider themselves champions of democracy demonstrate in London against a democratic vote


This old argument is getting tired and has a whiff of desperation about it.


The referendum was over two years ago. It instructed nobody. Only a quarter of the population voted to leave and for at least the past 18 months every poll has shown that the majority of people in the UK would prefer to stay in the EU and this majority is growing every week as the reality of leaving becomes clearer.


What were you saying about democracy?

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One hundred thousand bad losers who probably consider themselves champions of democracy demonstrate in London against a democratic vote that instructed our Government to get out of the corrupt European Union . These people and all others who refuse to accept our democratic decision should leave and settle in a Dictatorship as they will be welcomed with open arms by the advocates of that political system.


Except that it didn’t instruct, it advised. That’s just one flaw in your argument. Quite a big flaw, admittedly.


I’d go easy on the dictator stuff too, if I were you.

The extreme brexiteers are clearly the dictators. They are also the ones who will bear the responsibility for the impending catastrophe.

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The Brexit vote has already wiped £440 million a week from Britain's economy



Another slow clap for the Brexiters! :loopy:


No, the CER wrote a report saying so. Turkeys tend not to vote for Christmas.


---------- Post added 24-06-2018 at 06:28 ----------


Good luck with that in a post-Brexit economy.


The great irony is that this may end up with many people from the UK either travelling abroad for better wages or Airbus and BMW relocating back to the UK as a very convenient Western European based low wage economy.



How does anyone know what a Post-Brexit economy will be like? It's uncharted waters.


---------- Post added 24-06-2018 at 06:40 ----------


It is interesting how Brextremists bang on about democracy but fanatically oppose the UK parliament being given any say on a deal done.


It's interesting that our champion of democracy Gina Miller is silent when an unelected group of Lords want to overturn the will of the people.

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It's interesting that our champion of democracy Gina Miller is silent when an unelected group of Lords want to overturn the will of the people.


regardless of the arguments about the will of a proportion of the people and the unelectedness of the members of the house of lords, what did they actually do to try and overturn it?

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Johnson has let the cat out of the bag.


He doesn’t care about how Brexit affects business. Which means he doesn’t care about how Brexit affects jobs and livelihoods.


This is going to be a car crash.

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It's interesting that our champion of democracy Gina Miller is silent when an unelected group of Lords want to overturn the will of the people.
That old guff again :roll:


The UK has a sovereign parliament, as confirmed by the Supreme Court. There is no will of the people in UK constitutional law. That is why referenda can never be anything other than advisory. The will of the people is just popular BS with no legal basis.


The real problem here is that the UK voter is ignorant of how their country is actually governed. That is why there is a call for another advisory referendum, the abolishment of the House of Lords and so on, when in fact a general election is required to give a mandate for change.


And lest you forget, the 2017GE did not give either side a mandate: that's why May had to jump in bed with Arlene's lot. Brexit as conducted by May's government since then, is not that far removed from a dictatorship. Some can see it for what it is. Some keep asking for seconds of snake oil. Most don't seem to care. And deserve everything that's coming to them.


What did Boris tell the ambassador asking him 'what about the concerns of business'? He is quoted as responding 'f*** business'. The fly in the ointment is, it's that very same 'f***ed business' which has been paying for the NHS so far, through taxation. Happy crashing :thumbsup:

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Anybody remember schemes like YOP? YTS? Community Programme? ET (extra tenner) back in the 80s?

Did people actually get proper training from them? proper qualifications?


I got a city & guilds in digital and micro electronics, and electrical installation and testing from a yts scheme. I'm now a test and inspection engineer for a large electrical manufacturing company,so they weren't all bad.

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