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Earl Francis pub manor oaks road

Guest makapaka

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Guest makapaka

Does anyone have any recollection of this pub - what was it like through the years and what was it like inside?

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Was Ken Sheldon a Grimesthorpe lad ?

I think he was, because his brother Sam lived next door to me and he was from Grimesthorpe. I think Ken also ran the pub on Derbyshire lane after that and one on the Kelvin before that. If it is the same man.

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I think he was, because his brother Sam lived next door to me and he was from Grimesthorpe. I think Ken also ran the pub on Derbyshire lane after that and one on the Kelvin before that. If it is the same man.


The reason I asked, 'Mr.K' is that in the Ellesmere Youth Club. (Buckenham Street ) Some of us met a lad in 1961 who said he was from the Botham Street area, when asked his name. he said it was 'Sam' (which it wasn't) and I think he would have been around fifteen at the time, He was a thick set lad as a youth and tho' quiet and polite, nobody messed with him.

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Maybe he originated from that area when I married is sister they lived on P/X he had a brother called Sam, and he did keep the pub on Derbyshire Lane think it was Cross Sythes.


a Kenny Sheldon lived in the next yard to me in Grimesthorpe, he had two sisters, one was Maureen, the older one wont come to mind at moment,

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Hi they lived on Bland St Kenny,Maureen,Carol. Dad Sam, Elsie.Wife.


Carol, that's it memory keeps going blank, lol, yes they lived next door to my Grandma, Ada Hudson , I lived 6 doors down, Kenny used to live round corner from me , Richmond, but I know he moved, he also married one of the Morgans who lived next door to my wife, Josie

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