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Is doing a “Theresa” a Female trait?

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Interesting that none of card carrying look-at-me lefties have been able to condemn this shockingly sexist post.


Just confirms really that none of them are actually Liberal. Pompous hypocrites that are progressive when one of their favourites gets questioned.

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The leadership qualities we see around us in both politics and business both male and female is an indictment of a society that overstates it's capabilities, victims of the nanny state, having had their hands held for too long and then having to make big decisions, none of them are as smart as they think they are.

It's alright getting qualifications, glittering up a CV or trumping yourself up on linkdin but when it actually comes to working decisions and having a bit of nous forget it :D

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I work in a male dominated field so can't comment too much on how females behave but I can say that there's definitely a wide spectrum of how people behave in terms of organisation/decisiveness/planning etc amongst my colleages in general. I wouldn't say I could predict how someone would behave based on their gender.


Our bosses are male and poor leadership, a lack of communication and U-turns are absolutely rife, so using your logic I'd come to the opposite conclusion I suppose.


I'd have to agree with this. There are lots of personality types across both genders. We did an entire training course on this to help people recognise differences and how people can work together better. I, for example, came out as an Activist - the kind of person that has loads of ideas and just wants to get on with doing stuff. That has it's benefits but also weaknesses such as attention to detail. As such I tend to now work closely with one of my colleagues who came out as a Reflector. He's the one who likes to stop and think things through.


Before we learned to recognise the benefits of these different styles, he always had the opinion that I rushed into things, whereas I thought he never got stuff done quickly enough. Now it works really well. I make sure we hit deadlines and he picks up on stuff that I've missed or not thought thru enough.


The only common theme we picked up from the course was that most managers were activists and most of the people who cleaned up after were Reflectors or Pragmatists. Didn't really show a spilt across the sexes.

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I'd have to agree with this. There are lots of personality types across both genders. We did an entire training course on this to help people recognise differences and how people can work together better. I, for example, came out as an Activist - the kind of person that has loads of ideas and just wants to get on with doing stuff. That has it's benefits but also weaknesses such as attention to detail. As such I tend to now work closely with one of my colleagues who came out as a Reflector. He's the one who likes to stop and think things through.


Before we learned to recognise the benefits of these different styles, he always had the opinion that I rushed into things, whereas I thought he never got stuff done quickly enough. Now it works really well. I make sure we hit deadlines and he picks up on stuff that I've missed or not thought thru enough.


The only common theme we picked up from the course was that most managers were activists and most of the people who cleaned up after were Reflectors or Pragmatists. Didn't really show a spilt across the sexes.


Sounds like a good course, I always called them doers and thinkers, the doers become managers the thinkers do the technical stuff, the two working together will achieve the better long term results, the management disregarding the technical will create problems.

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