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Corbyn didn't bow again..right wing press in meltdown!

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Comical!! It was Theresa May who broke tradition (got it wrong) by bowing to the Queen, yet the toilet paper press has gone into its usual nonsensical overdrive with another flappy attampt to smear Corbyn :hihi:

Our "strong and stable" leader wouldn't even visit the victims of the grenfell tower, yet it's Corbyn who's the trator for not bowing to the Queen........when he wasn't supposed to........:huh::loopy:

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The right wing press really are spiteful lickspittles.

They're terrified of him, possibly because a Labour government would implement the recommendations of the Leveson inquiry.

They seem to think that smearing him with the fact that he didn't bow & scrape, when it isn't even convention, then the public will turn against him.

I really hope that people can see through the gutter press and their vile agenda.

I hope things are changing.

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Its not law or anything that you have to bow to the queen theses Tory idiots are scared stiff of corbyn,first decent leader Labour have had for a long time the scummy Tory press have swamped the press and media trying hard to discredit him bringing things up from years ago photo shoting old pictures and making things up..

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The establishment it losing its grip as a whole and it's making them panic and behave very irrationality. If the Tory party were up against someone like Blair again, ie someone who would still service their needs, TM would have stepped down by now.

Corbyn doesn't represent them and they are terrified!


It's going to be fun watchin them lose it when he finally does become PM! :hihi:

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Maybe they'd prefer a country where citizens are forced to bow.


It's a joke. The Queen didn't wear her crown because she didn't have enough time to prepare? She's done it for the last 60 years! And then the crown has its own car and goes to parliament for a day out but the Queen is wearing a hat.


I mean what the ****, just get on with it

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