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The New Reality? Us and Them..

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Is the movement of people rather than a movement of the people now the revolutionary force shaping our lives? In other words, is migration of more consequence than traditional politics in today's unstable world?


And can we characterise migrants as people following their hearts rather than a political leader or an ideology in their search for stability and security?

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Is the movement of people rather than a movement of the people now the revolutionary force shaping our lives? In other words, is migration of more consequence than traditional politics in today's unstable world?


And can we characterise migrants as people following their hearts rather than a political leader or an ideology in their search for stability and security?


Do you think the thousands of eu migrants currently toiling in the fields around the country in 30c heat for minimum wage are following their hearts?

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Do you think the thousands of eu migrants currently toiling in the fields around the country in 30c heat for minimum wage are following their hearts?


Quite! And I find it interesting that farmers, anxious about the implications of Brexit, are voicing their concerns that there are not enough unemployed people in Britain to meet the needs of agricultural production.

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Guest sibon
One wonders who was doing this work before the influx of migrants?


Migrants mostly. They've been working here for hundreds of years.

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The atrocity at Manchester Arena last month, in which Muslim Salman Abedi murdered many white, British women and children appeared to lead to moving proclamations of love and resilience, while the blaze at Grenfell Tower, where many people from a range of nations and races lost their lives, seemed to trigger public expressions of rage.


I wonder, do my observations have any validity? And if so, do they constitute grounds for optimism, at least here in the UK, in relation to the project of multiculturalism?

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The traditional left-right political divide of the past is dying out.


We are now diving along very different lines. Globalists vs localists (nationalism)


Localists = Believe in the nation state, borders, and putting your fellow countrymen/women first.


Globalists = They believe in a borderless world of free movement, global governance, and the belief that your government shouldn't privilege their own citizens


This divide hasn't happened over night. We've been slowly sorting ourselves into these two camps over many years. Brexit is simply a ramification.

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The traditional left-right political divide of the past is dying out.


We are now diving along very different lines. Globalists vs localists (nationalism)


Localists = Believe in the nation state, borders, and putting your fellow countrymen/women first.


Globalists = They believe in a borderless world of free movement, global governance, and the belief that your government shouldn't privilege their own citizens


This divide hasn't happened over night. We've been slowly sorting ourselves into these two camps over many years. Brexit is simply a ramification.


The Globalist view seems to be an ideal worth striving for, until you see the current effects. In the hands of Globalist Corporations it is leading to a race to the bottom for ordinary people, whilst making the Globalists richer, and I see little attempt to change that coming from those with the power to do so.


Until we have true Globalisation; that is a world where everyone is created equal, with equal opportunities, and an equal sharing of resources and wealth, Globalisation will continue to favour the few and not the many.


Yet at the end of the day, true Globalisation could be the saving of the human race.

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I will admit that i am in the localist group.Globalisation would be all well and good if everybody benefitted from it but they dont.And the idea that we could go anywhere in the world would be good, but the problem is that everybody is trying to all get into the same few countries all the time.True globalisation is a pipe dream,i had to laugh when Jeremy Corbyn said he would like a world of democracy,human rights and equal opportunities at Glastonbury today,good luck with that one Jeremy and now back in the real world........

Edited by area 51
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One wonders who was doing this work before the influx of migrants?


Perhaps that changes in transport and acknowledged mean than things change.


People have always moved from country to country, but its now much cheaper and quicker. So when it was once normal for workers to travel into the countryside for farm job, that traveling is country to country.


You can now travel to another country, faster than you could travel 150 miles - back in my dads day.


So we do have a new reality.


---------- Post added 24-06-2017 at 21:20 ----------


I will admit that i am in the localist group.Globalisation would be all well and good if everybody benefitted from it but they dont.And the idea that we could go anywhere in the world would be good, but the problem is that everybody is trying to all get into the same few countries all the time.True globalisation is a pipe dream,i had to laugh when Jeremy Corbyn said he would like a world of democracy,human rights and equal opportunities at Glastonbury today,good luck with that one Jeremy and now back in the real world........


Can we stop it, or show we just try and slow it down??

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