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Why don't Europeans use clothes pegs?

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I've tried it in a translator but nothing useful is reported.


On the unlikely event that this isn't a wind up, which it has to be;


Arsene Wenger is a Frenchman who was born in Strasbourg and has been the manager of Arsenal Football Club since 1996 making him currently the longest serving manager in the Premier League.


Looking at the post where I mentioned him I would have thought it self evident that I was referring to a person and someone involved in football.


However, on the off chance that you are one of those rare people living in a bubble which doesn't include sport, I hope that's helpful.


As I once got into a conversation with an Argentinian musician in Spain who knew nothing about football I suppose anythings possible! :)

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This is just a silly trivial question. I've recently spent a few weeks in Germany and the house we stayed in had all the usual laundry facilities and a rack to hang the clothes on outside, but no washing line and no sign of any pegs.

Visiting several supermarkets, it was possible to buy some washing line, but I never found any pegs for sale.


Then I noticed, when back home again that a neighbour, from another European country does the same thing. She puts all her family's drying clothing on a clothes rack outside with no pegs. It often blows off on to the floor!


I have a similar rack but I only use it for hanging small items on, inside the house upstairs as it would be too much hassle to peg them out. I'd never imagined that anyone would use such a dryer outside.


So does anyone know or can suggest why there should be a difference ?


Maybe it was only England who had travelling people, who hand carved clothes pegs and sold them door to door, several years ago. Maybe the tradition stuck. :D

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