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Jeremy Corbyn at Glastonbury

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Corbyn is one of the rare politicians who can hold a crowd. He comes across as a decent man unlike his shadow chancellor. To say the poor souls who died in the fire were murdered is shameful. To exploint the victims for political gains is discussing. Corbyn should get rid of him.

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Absolutely. He's also aware that Gen Y and onwards are a growing band of potential voters, a rich seam to tap into. The boomers are in decline, as an inevitable result of Biology:) .


Its this reason why I think the UK may well re-enter the EU in 10-20 years. There are no more people being added to the Baby Boomers generation and the generations that follow generation Y are more inclined to be supportive ot the EU etc.

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Corbyn is one of the rare politicians who can hold a crowd. He comes across as a decent man unlike his shadow chancellor. To say the poor souls who died in the fire were murdered is shameful. To exploint the victims for political gains is discussing. Corbyn should get rid of him.
......Hitler could hold a crowd at the Nuremberg rallies preaching to the converted(very reminiscent) nothing new there!........John McDonell has a murderous look in his eyes when speaking! I think once in power you would have to watch what you say and do when he's around,or as in Russia you just might not get to be around.
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Corbyn is the personification of all the angst felt by the younger generations. It will only get bigger. Its the start of something that will be compared to the 60's I feel.


You have to understand that from Generation Y and up (the children of the Baby Boomers) feel disconnected, disenfranchised and disadvantaged compared to the generations that went before them. They missed out on the gold plated pensions and for this have to pay more than their parents. They are priced out of home ownership by again their parents generation who are using their wealth to buy up homes and rent them back to the younger generations to make more money. They did not receive the student grants or financial help to go to University unlike their parents. They have seen real terms pay deflation and they will be the first generation to be poorer than their parents. They listen while the 50+ generation tells them "everything was so much better in their day" while simultaneously being told they have never had it so good. They are being taken out of the EU against their will, emasculated by the older generations telling they know best.


You can only hold down groups of people for so long before they find a leader and revolt. Its happening, in Jeremy Corbyn they have found a voice, someone to follow, a conviction politician who stands by his word.


Well, the Corbyn supporting Socialist Worker site has a photo of Jeremy speaking at Matlock with the heading "Class, NOT age, is the key divide in Britain."


The real cause behind this 'divide and rule' is the hardly mentioned banking scam which neither side focuses upon effectively.


The older generation, through their work and taxes, raised the living standards from the shared outside toilet, the tin bath and the one cold tap and the slums of the early post war years to what it is today, with most also having fought in that war. The old, non-internationalist, Labour Party was at the head of those social changes.


Now you are pillorying that older generation for a situation beyond their control, instead of turning your ire upon the international bankers who are laughing up their sleeves at this 'Divide and Rule' falling out. As for the young looking to the Left for salvation, the 'modern', internationalist Left is losing out with many young people due to their obsession with multi-culture and the rest of their Marxist programme.

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