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Jeremy Corbyn at Glastonbury

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I would not be too sure about future voting intentions of young people.My experience was when young your idealistic and vote left but as you get older you move across the political spectrum to the right which will probably happen with a lot of todays kids

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.....I live in Stannington,working class Sheffield 6. I dont see any people in cardboard boxes or any going to foodbanks. What I do see is many young mothers taking kids to school in top model cars and suntanned people sat in the local pubs. Stannington was never like this only a few decades ago.

This message preached by Corbyn that the country is drowning in poverty and austerity is largely a crock of old horse dung........a few possibly but the many are doing far better than they were decades ago.The difference is that people decades ago did not consume as much,the increase in appetite for consumerism with it's attendant debt because we're worth it has led to problems for large numbers, plus railroading young people into University which many will find no benefit at all is compounding the problems!

Edited by mossdog
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Well, the Corbyn supporting Socialist Worker site has a photo of Jeremy speaking at Matlock with the heading "Class, NOT age, is the key divide in Britain."


Why would you think the Socialist Worker would say anything less? The fact is, Corbyn received support from all classes.

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Typical politician:


Jeremy Corbyn forced to deny he told Glastonbury organiser he will scrap Trident 'as soon as I can'



And stupid gullible young for believing him. If it weren't for the fact that Labour would wreck the economy with reckless spending, I half hope Corbyn does have a taste of power and breaks all his wild promises.

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......Hitler could hold a crowd at the Nuremberg rallies preaching to the converted(very reminiscent) nothing new there!........John McDonell has a murderous look in his eyes when speaking! I think once in power you would have to watch what you say and do when he's around,or as in Russia you just might not get to be around.


What ever young people need to take control it's OUR country step aside mister it's not your future we are F up !


---------- Post added 26-06-2017 at 15:51 ----------


Typical politician:


Jeremy Corbyn forced to deny he told Glastonbury organiser he will scrap Trident 'as soon as I can'



And stupid gullible young for believing him. If it weren't for the fact that Labour would wreck the economy with reckless spending, I half hope Corbyn does have a taste of power and breaks all his wild promises.


No we want a future not JSA but hey who gives a dam .


---------- Post added 26-06-2017 at 15:53 ----------


I would not be too sure about future voting intentions of young people.My experience was when young your idealistic and vote left but as you get older you move across the political spectrum to the right which will probably happen with a lot of todays kids


Hey man at least you get it the young people of the UK want a future for their children too unlike the older end who don't give a S about them.

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Guest sibon

Why does Corbyn generate this approbrium from self righteous Tories?


What exactly do the Tories have to do to convince you lot that they are not a competent party to lead the country? This administration and the last one are the most inept in living memory. I can't see Corbyn being any worse than May, or borrowing more than Osborne.


I can't see him being spanked over a barrel by a bunch of creationists either.

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Why does Corbyn generate this approbrium from self righteous Tories?


What exactly do the Tories have to do to convince you lot that they are not a competent party to lead the country? This administration and the last one are the most inept in living memory. I can't see Corbyn being any worse than May, or borrowing more than Osborne.


I can't see him being spanked over a barrel by a bunch of creationists either.


Conservatives and DUP now have the majority and they will turn this around and Brexit will be a success. Corbyn couldn't negotiate his way out of a paper bag.

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I would not be too sure about future voting intentions of young people.My experience was when young your idealistic and vote left but as you get older you move across the political spectrum to the right which will probably happen with a lot of todays kids


Spot on...certainly was in my case, which was from a Glastonbury attending, Amnesty Int/FoE/Survival Int supporting, left voting, cycle protesting, perpetual private renter to a right voter (via the centre) in 27 years...


What changed?

Got a job

Met some Indonesians, Chileans, Nepalese, Indians, Malaysians, Moroccans, Fijians, Kiwis, Aussies, Thais, Americans and Europeans of all flavours and found we are all the same and have the same concerns.

Got a family

Got a house

In short, got a stake in society.


I don't have a problem with young people now...they are only doing what I did 27 years ago, in the same way I am doing now what my parents did 27 years ago.


Balance is the key to it all.

Long may the Left and the Right balance each other and no side get the upper hand.

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Why does Corbyn generate this approbrium from self righteous Tories?


What exactly do the Tories have to do to convince you lot that they are not a competent party to lead the country? This administration and the last one are the most inept in living memory. I can't see Corbyn being any worse than May, or borrowing more than Osborne.


I can't see him being spanked over a barrel by a bunch of creationists either.


Why does Corbyn have such a excessive and Messiah like reaction from his supporters.


What exactly does he have which supposedly makes him such a great leader and THE only choice to run this country. What skills and experience in and out of politcs makes him so good. What exactly is so impressive about speaking to the converted and making wild statements about what you promise to do in power. Any moron deeply embedded in opposition can make any statement they like to their disciples that impress because they know they will never have to deliver.


When will people just accept that he lost the majority by an even more huge margin than May and the Tories. It shows to me that whilst the unions and students may fall for his guff. The rest of the electorate can see right through it.


You bang on about the DUP having the Tories over a barrel. How is Compo going to get on with his 4 way gang bang of support from the SNP (who want independance from this union) Sinn Fein (who want a united ireland) the liberals (who have no party leader or credibility) and the greens (who think the world will run on pixie dust and fairy farts).


You think a rabble like that is some how superior to the Tories deal with the DUP? You think two out of four coilition partners seeking independance is really going to be good for the needs of the country?


Keep telling yourself that.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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