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Jeremy Corbyn at Glastonbury

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Conservatives and DUP now have the majority and they will turn this around and Brexit will be a success. Corbyn couldn't negotiate his way out of a paper bag.


What makes you so sure? Do you think that part of the deal involves Arlene Foster getting some of her mates to threaten a few people with a kneecapping?

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Guest sibon
Why does Corbyn have such a excessive and Messiah like reaction from his supporters.


What exactly does he have which supposedly makes him such a great leader and THE only choice to run this country. What skills and experience in and out of politcs makes him so good. What exactly is so impressive about speaking to the converted and making wild statements about what you promise to do in power. Any moron deeply embedded in opposition can make any statement they like to their disciples that impress because they know they will never have to deliver.


When will people just accept that he lost the majority by an even more huge margin than May and the Tories. It shows to me that whilst the unions and students may fall for his guff. The rest of the electorate can see right through it.


You bang on about the DUP having the Tories over a barrel. How is Compo going to get on with his 4 way gang bang of support from the SNP (who want independance from this union) Sinn Fein (who want a united ireland) the liberals (who have no party leader or credibility) and the greens (who think the world will run on pixie dust and fairy farts).


You think a rabble like that is some how superior to the Tories deal with the DUP? You think two out of four coilition partners seeking independance is really going to be good for the needs of the country?


Keep telling yourself that.


It is rude to answer a question with a question. The big tirade of insults just goes to illustrate how bereft of answers you really are.


Here you go, I'll simplify it for you. Just one question: Why do people think that the Tories are fit to govern, given their appalling record over the last two years?

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Here you go, I'll simplify it for you. Just one question: Why do people think that the Tories are fit to govern, given their appalling record over the last two years?



You could go round in circles with this though. I'm not backing either party as I can't stand either leader, but for example...


Why do people think that labour are fit to govern when they've limited experience (given we've had a tory/coalition govt for the last 7 years). Why do people think labour would do well in EU-leaving negotiations?


It's all a moot point. No one knows what will happen, so we need to get on with it as best we can.

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It is rude to answer a question with a question. The big tirade of insults just goes to illustrate how bereft of answers you really are.


Here you go, I'll simplify it for you. Just one question: Why do people think that the Tories are fit to govern, given their appalling record over the last two years?


What makes you think your "question" is factually accurate.


Who says that the Tories have had an "appalling" record over the last 2 years? You?


Have you forgot that 42% of the vote share went to her. That's a 5.5% INCREASE of vote share from the 2015 election and around just under 80k more voters than Labour.


I would certainly concede that TM does not have the popularity contest wins over corbyn nor the ever increasing celebrity endorsements. I like her for that. I dont want a Donald Trump.


What TM is in my view is methodical, resourceful and quietly gets on with the job. She doesn't do big PR stunts or photo ops. She turns up, gets on with what needs to be done and returns to her office.


Something a few more politicians should actually be doing rather than chasing the fickle world of ratings and publicity.


Now, since this has turned into some interegation interview perhaps you might want to answer one simple question.


If JC is so right for this country and so popular with the real people. Why did he get less vote share than May?

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Who says that the Tories have had an "appalling" record over the last 2 years? You?


Have you forgot that 42% of the vote share went to her. That's a 5.5% INCREASE of vote share from the 2015 election and around just under 80k more voters than Labour.


Yes. It's not as if Cameron called and lost a referendum and May called a general election and lost her majority.

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Why does Corbyn generate this approbrium from self righteous Tories?


What exactly do the Tories have to do to convince you lot that they are not a competent party to lead the country? This administration and the last one are the most inept in living memory. I can't see Corbyn being any worse than May, or borrowing more than Osborne.


I can't see him being spanked over a barrel by a bunch of creationists either.

May has been dreadful. An absolute disaster. Doesn't mean that Corbyn is the Messiah. His policies and the company he keeps make him potentially far more dangerous than a mere bumbling idiot like May.


Basically consider option 3. They are all undesirable.

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What makes you so sure? Do you think that part of the deal involves Arlene Foster getting some of her mates to threaten a few people with a kneecapping?


it has to be! and will be! if people have the confidence instead of petty squabbles, as for knee capping theres a few i would like to see threatened:roll:Tom watson and that out and out Commie John Mc Donnell!

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This is Jeremy Corbyn's inspiring speech from Glastonbury. No wonder the kids love him.


Wow, just wow...



Of course they love him. I wouldn't blame any youngster at university for voting for him.

But if Jeremy Kyle, sorry I meant Jeremy Corbyn I always get them mixed up, ever gets elected PM reality will soon kick in. The last labour government skint the country and it will be worse than that when he starts re-nationalising every thing, throwing more money at the workshy and benefit breeders, and raising the minimum wage by a third.

Just to take the minimum wage, the thing that probably cost the Tories a majority was social care, where most of the careers are probably on minimum wage in a sector which is extremely labour intensive, to raise costs by a third would probably close quite a few care homes, wouldn't it be better to raise tax thresholds for lower paid workers?

He's also wanting to raise wages for public sector workers, we keep hearing how dedicated they are, well they are no more dedicated than workers in the private sector, a lot work there because conditions are better, better job security, sick pay, holidays and in quite a few cases early retirement.

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it has to be! and will be! if people have the confidence instead of petty squabbles, as for knee capping theres a few i would like to see threatened:roll:Tom watson and that out and out Commie John Mc Donnell!


What a nasty bit of work you are. No wonder you're ****-a-hoop about the coalition of crackpots.

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