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Jeremy Corbyn at Glastonbury

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What was the crowd singing again ?

Oh Sweaty pits Corbyn

The man should try buying some antiperspirant looking at some of the photos of him at Glastonbury, mind you being the typical socialist he probably wants someone with more money to pay for it :D

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........but still won the election.


Haha, not this one again.


It's just like 2010


---------- Post added 26-06-2017 at 18:05 ----------


What was the crowd singing again ?

Oh Sweaty pits Corbyn

The man should try buying some antiperspirant looking at some of the photos of him at Glastonbury, mind you being the typical socialist he probably wants someone with more money to pay for it :D


I know youre trying to see the funny side but we all know that for Tory boys (and girls) them seeing corbyns popularity is like have hot pokers driven into the core of their souls. And I find that funny.

Edited by I1L2T3
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Guest sibon
May has been dreadful. An absolute disaster. Doesn't mean that Corbyn is the Messiah. His policies and the company he keeps make him potentially far more dangerous than a mere bumbling idiot like May.


Basically consider option 3. They are all undesirable.


I have some sympathy for this view, although I suspect that Corbyn would be no more "dangerous" than May's puppet Prime Ministership. She's being buffeted by both wings of her party and we all know she can't placate both.


The one thing that Corbyn does have is a different way of looking at things. We've been nailing down the young and the poor for over a decade now, it is time to look for other ways to balance the books. Corbyn has realised that and young voters will back him. The next election will be very interesting.

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What a nasty bit of work you are. No wonder you're ****-a-hoop about the coalition of crackpots.


yeah well a coalition is better than a minority and the opposition and if that makes me a nasty piece of work then good its the only way this country will get back to what it should be!

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Conservatives and DUP now have the majority and they will turn this around and Brexit will be a success. Corbyn couldn't negotiate his way out of a paper bag.


So what do you think about Theresa May using tax payers money to buy the votes of terrorist sympathisers?

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Haha, not this one again.


It's just like 2010


---------- Post added 26-06-2017 at 18:05 ----------



I know youre trying to see the funny side but we all know that for Tory boys (and girls) them seeing corbyns popularity is like have hot pokers driven into the core of their souls. And I find that funny.


The people that I generally speak to when I am out and about, mostly working class people I will add, can't stand the man. As I have said before he appeals to middle class youngsters who go to University not the working class ;)

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What ever young people need to take control it's OUR country step aside mister it's not your future we are F up !


---------- Post added 26-06-2017 at 15:51 ----------



No we want a future not JSA but hey who gives a dam .


---------- Post added 26-06-2017 at 15:53 ----------



Hey man at least you get it the young people of the UK want a future for their children too unlike the older end who don't give a S about them.


Is there any chance of you clarifying what old is in your eyes only a lot of us myself included have kids at university and I for one care very much for ours.


Our politics differ in the main though we agree in principle on many things that are obviously wrong. He voted Labour not because of Corbyn's ability to talk but for the promise of student fees being removed. Since voting his view has changed and he regrets his decision and in hindsight feels he should have spoiled, why, because he's already grown tired of the rubbish spilling out from those that also voted Labour.

He makes his own mind and despite everything that's happened still looks forward to a bright future. He voted remain but isn't hung up on the result.


He has hopes and dreams the same as anyone young and old. He has no expectations of an older generation to alter their politics for his future when they still have their own.

Edited by silentP
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