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DUP gets £1.5Bn for lending votes.

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I honesty cannot believe this has happened. Doesn't it make a mockery of our democracy even more than it already is? The fact that you can basically sell your vote is now a thing.




Why not just state in your campaign, for every labour seat that goes Tory we pledge an additional 50 mil for that area.


I am sure Northern Ireland needs the money as much as anyone else but that could have gone to the whole country on the NHS for example.


Just my two pennies worth.

Edited by tallanddopey
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Your thread title is misleading because as you say, it is Northern Ireland who will get extra money. Well done to the DUP for negotiating extra cash for their region. We will never know what demands the SNP would have made to Labour, if they had been the party, who had won the most seats. That Welsh party with the funny name led by that daft Welsh woman, would also have demanded extra cash for their region, if they have been in a similar position to the DUP.

Edited by Lord Rex
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I honesty cannot believe this has happened. Doesn't it make a mockery of our democracy even more than it already is? The fact that you can basically sell your vote is now a thing.




Why not just state in your campaign, for every labour seat that goes Tory we pledge an additional 50 mil for that area.


I am sure Northern Ireland needs the money as much as anyone else but that could have gone to the whole country on the NHS for example.


Just my two pennies worth.



Its how our government works. Why do people not understand this.


Despite what every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks. The DUP is a valid political party in this union.


They have just as much right to be part of this parlimentary process as the SNP, Green, Plaid Cymru or any other party.


Its simply an alliance agreement to form a government. TM has not changed her entire political focus or handed all power to Northern Ireland. Such nonsense reports which are inevitably flowing out are just rediculous.


Like it or not that's the rules. Those without a majority can form alliances with others or choose to run a minority. Happened before and will happen again.


Agreements mean compromse. Yes, they might get some money sent across the Irish Sea but they have also forced for u turns on the the triple lock pension and Winter Fuel Payments which those with a more Red sided view should be jumping for joy.


Lets be realistic. Its only the same if Saint Jeremy got in. Wonder what carrots he would hand out to the Scots and Welsh and Irish to form his coilition?


I'm loving the way people and certain media outlets are banging on about the deluded fool as if he is a PM ready and waiting. YES, the tories lost a majority by 8 seats but lets not forget Saint Jez lost a majority by 64 seats.


How much vote lending incentive would he have to whore out to get his power?


Its just politics.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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I honesty cannot believe this has happened. Doesn't it make a mockery of our democracy even more than it already is? The fact that you can basically sell your vote is now a thing.




Why not just state in your campaign, for every labour seat that goes Tory we pledge an additional 50 mil for that area.


I am sure Northern Ireland needs the money as much as anyone else but that could have gone to the whole country on the NHS for example.


Just my two pennies worth.


From Private Eye (current issue) p5:


"Number Crunching

£130m - Estimated cost to taxpayers of Theresa May's decision to hold a general election.


4,500 - Nurses' salaries that sum would pay for a year - despite May telling one nurse on BBC Question Time there 'isn't a magic money tree you can shake' to provide pay increases."

Edited by swarfendor43
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I guess Arlene Forster can tell Sinn Féin that she's made up for wasting all that public money over that energy scheme she was in charge of. That should help solve the impasse over restarting the devolved government.

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DUP have played a total blinder here, a tiny party made up of total mentals have got themselves into a position of power and gained a nice increase in public funding for their constituents.


Well done them, well done Northern Ireland

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DUP have played a total blinder here, a tiny party made up of total mentals have got themselves into a position of power and gained a nice increase in public funding for their constituents.


Well done them, well done Northern Ireland



Can you blame them for taking advantage of a good opportunity? It's what they have been doing for years, negotiating a deal. If the Torys hadn't been short sighted enough to trigger article 50, and then call a general election we wouldn't be held up to blackmail. I mean, who in their right mind, triggers article 50, gets the clock running and then risks a general election? :roll:

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I honesty cannot believe this has happened. Doesn't it make a mockery of our democracy even more than it already is? The fact that you can basically sell your vote is now a thing.
Not sure that you've realised yet, that this is the price for the DUP to wear the "all that is going wrong with Brexit" hat (hand-in-hand with the EU of course) for the next few years, in the exact same way the LibDems wore the "all that is going wrong with managing the financial crisis" and were punished for it at the ballot box in 2015.


£1.5bn? Chump change for keeping the Tories' collective noses clean, about whatever form Brexit eventually takes.


[T.May, April 2019] "Arlene and her crew made me, blame them" [/T.May, April 2019]


EDIT: £10 to £0.01 that N.I. never sees even half of the money anyway :lol:

Edited by L00b
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