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DUP gets £1.5Bn for lending votes.

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Guest sibon
To be nerdy it's £1m for votes - they already had the £0.5m


Your orders of magnitude need some attention.


(To be properly nerdy)

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DUP have played a total blinder here, a tiny party made up of total mentals have got themselves into a position of power and gained a nice increase in public funding for their constituents.


Well done them, well done Northern Ireland


They don't hold power. That would be a coalition which this is not.

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Its how our government works. Why do people not understand this.


Despite what every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks. The DUP is a valid political party in this union.


They have just as much right to be part of this parlimentary process as the SNP, Green, Plaid Cymru or any other party.


Its simply an alliance agreement to form a government. TM has not changed her entire political focus or handed all power to Northern Ireland. Such nonsense reports which are inevitably flowing out are just rediculous.


Like it or not that's the rules. Those without a majority can form alliances with others or choose to run a minority. Happened before and will happen again.


Agreements mean compromse. Yes, they might get some money sent across the Irish Sea but they have also forced for u turns on the the triple lock pension and Winter Fuel Payments which those with a more Red sided view should be jumping for joy.


Lets be realistic. Its only the same if Saint Jeremy got in. Wonder what carrots he would hand out to the Scots and Welsh and Irish to form his coilition?


I'm loving the way people and certain media outlets are banging on about the deluded fool as if he is a PM ready and waiting. YES, the tories lost a majority by 8 seats but lets not forget Saint Jez lost a majority by 64 seats.


How much vote lending incentive would he have to whore out to get his power?


Its just politics.


It's Tory style politics,yes.Remember,it was May who called a needless election,so Corbyn would never have been in a position to offer anything if May had not took this decision,which actually destabilised the country at one of the most important points in its history.

Also,the 2 faced nature of May has been further exposed,while asking Corbyn about his magic money tree,we know that she has a magic money tree with this deal going through,or, where's this money coming from and who is missing out on where it could have gone too if May had never called a GE?

Edited by chalga
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It's Tory style politics,yes.Remember,it was May who called a needless election,so Corbyn would never have been in a position to offer anything if May had not took this decision,which actually destabilised the country at one of the most important points in its history.

Also,the 2 faced nature of May has been further exposed,while asking Corbyn about his magic money tree,we know that she has a magic money tree with this deal going through,or, where's this money coming from and who is missing out on where it could have gone too if May had never called a GE?


What are you trying to say, we shouldn't have referendums or elections because they cost too much? We dont stop the democratic process because it wont look good on the balance sheet. Jesus, could you imagine if a government tried to do that.


Everything these days seems to be instantly compared to how many doctors or nurses it could pay for. In this insance its irrelevant.


Elections are elections. The NHS budget is the NHS budget.


Why it was called I dont know. It would have been discussed and agreed. May certainly will not have just done it on her own that's for sure. They may have thought they had good reason to.


Either way, we have voted. The result is in. Nothing has happened which has not happened in the past and nothing has happened that will not happen again in the future.


Corbyn still lost a majority my miles. The Tories have now reached an agreement and are still in the house.


Try again next time round.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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What are you trying to say, we shouldn't have referendums or elections because they cost too much? We dont stop the democratic process because it wont look good on the balance sheet. Jesus, could you imagine if a government tried to do that.


Everything these days seems to be instantly compared to how many doctors or nurses it could pay for. In this insance its irrelevant.


Elections are elections. The NHS budget is the NHS budget.


Why it was called I dont know. It would have been discussed and agreed. May certainly will not have just done it on her own that's for sure. They may have thought they had good reason to.


Either way, we have voted. The result is in. Nothing has happened which has not happened in the past and nothing has happened that will not happen again in the future.


Corbyn still lost a majority my miles. The Tories have now reached an agreement and are still in the house.


Try again next time round.


It's nothing to do with Corbyn,the decisions on the GE were Tory/May decisions,the magic money tree accusation aimed by May at Corbyn has backfired on her,we know now who is in charge of the magic money,it's May.

The comments about 'what Corbyn would do' is a strawman,and looking to deflect away from the root cause of what happened here..........the Tories,in much the same way as the deflectors started up about the Grenfell fire because of who sat on the report and who cut the services.

This is what politics has come down to in the UK,cowardly politicians and their supporters looking to blame anybody and everybody else and create diversions in order to avoid blame for the decisions they have made.

Edited by chalga
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What are you trying to say, we shouldn't have referendums or elections because they cost too much?


You know full well he was saying that May wasted millions on an unnecessary general election solely to increase her majority and it blew up in her face. She lost 3 years of a majority in order to gain another 2 and all at our expense.

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Not sure that you've realised yet, that this is the price for the DUP to wear the "all that is going wrong with Brexit" hat (hand-in-hand with the EU of course) for the next few years, in the exact same way the LibDems wore the "all that is going wrong with managing the financial crisis" and were punished for it at the ballot box in 2015.


£1.5bn? Chump change for keeping the Tories' collective noses clean, about whatever form Brexit eventually takes.


[T.May, April 2019] "Arlene and her crew made me, blame them" [/T.May, April 2019]


EDIT: £10 to £0.01 that N.I. never sees even half of the money anyway :lol:


In the next election the DUP will still do well, unlike the Lib Dems did.

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