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Football Lads' Alliance march 24.6.17.

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if you read the comments on the youtube videos its very EDL like however you cover it up


**** em


---------- Post added 28-06-2017 at 17:33 ----------


see he didnt mention the finsbury park one :rolleyes:


Explain yourself :huh:

What are you trying to get at ? Whats EDL like ? What cover up ?

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Explain yourself :huh:

What are you trying to get at ? Whats EDL like ? What cover up ?

sigh, yet again its covered up as a nice de nice march against extremists group when in actual effect, its anti islam / muslim group.


The comments on the youtube videos show that it attracts a massive sway of those types of idiots, and im sorry but in the first 3 minutes of the first speaker in the video he gave himself away by listing ALL the recent..ish attacks by extremists, well the islamic ones anyway, he left out the finsbury park attack...strangely :suspect::help::rolleyes:


EDL lite

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sigh, yet again its covered up as a nice de nice march against extremists group when in actual effect, its anti islam / muslim group.


The comments on the youtube videos show that it attracts a massive sway of those types of idiots, and im sorry but in the first 3 minutes of the first speaker in the video he gave himself away by listing ALL the recent..ish attacks by extremists, well the islamic ones anyway, he left out the finsbury park attack...strangely :suspect::help::rolleyes:


EDL lite


The EDL marched in London that very same day I think - two totally separate march's

As far as I'm aware there were no reported incidents from the FLA march.

The organiser stated he did not want any Right Wing groups associating themselves with this march.

It was a march against Terrorism - not against Muslims.

There were speakers from different religions and different creeds.

Maybe you could help Mafya out here aswell Mel - when have 10,000 Muslims marched against Terrorism ?

Was the Finsbury Park attack an act of Terrorism - or was it a revenge attack ? That's another debate altogether.

Fact is, it was a 'peaceful' protest. No flag waving, no placards.

What was not to like about it ?

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The EDL marched in London that very same day I think - two totally separate march's

As far as I'm aware there were no reported incidents from the FLA march.

The organiser stated he did not want any Right Wing groups associating themselves with this march.

It was a march against Terrorism - not against Muslims.

There were speakers from different religions and different creeds.

Maybe you could help Mafya out here aswell Mel - when have 10,000 Muslims marched against Terrorism ?

Was the Finsbury Park attack an act of Terrorism - or was it a revenge attack ? That's another debate altogether.

Fact is, it was a 'peaceful' protest. No flag waving, no placards.

What was not to like about it ?


as i said cover it up all you like its yet another jolly boys outing looking to villify muslims under the pretence of being against extremism.

I dont care how many went on it, and i dont care how many muslims may have or may not have marched. Nor do i care how violent or none violent it is, its the message which i believe is shrouded deliberetly

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as i said cover it up all you like its yet another jolly boys outing looking to villify muslims under the pretence of being against extremism.

I dont care how many went on it, and i dont care how many muslims may have or may not have marched. Nor do i care how violent or none violent it is, its the message which i believe is shrouded deliberetly


Whats your idea of trying to combat Islamic terrorism then Mel ?

You seem to disagree with anything anyone says or any movement does to combat it or stop it ?

In a previous thread you even admitted that you are an Islamophobe :huh:

I'm really curious to where you stand on Terrorism.

Bet you really hated the fact that the march passed of peacefully eh ?

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Whats your idea of trying to combat Islamic terrorism then Mel ?

You seem to disagree with anything anyone says or any movement does to combat it or stop it ?

In a previous thread you even admitted that you are an Islamophobe :huh:

I'm really curious to where you stand on Terrorism.

Bet you really hated the fact that the march passed of peacefully eh ?

ive already stated my ideas on defeating it, and it doesnt involve people marching around against islam, banning mosques and scarves.


As for the islamophobe bit, try reading up what an islamophobe is then try using yer brain, just because i said im an athiest youre now trying to paint me into a corner :rolleyes: but it doesnt work ;)


im like every sane person on terrorism i should imagine, yet again somebody cant speak of muslims or islam in a respectful manner without the old terrorist sympathiser thing rearing its worn out tired head :rolleyes:


you try telling me how a few footy fans out on a jolly will stop terrorism? especially when said footy fans seem to be "cornering" one certain community and classifying them yet again as terrorists

Edited by melthebell
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ive already stated my ideas on defeating it, and it doesnt involve people marching around against islam, banning mosques and scarves.


As for the islamophobe bit, try reading up what an islamophobe is then try using yer brain, just because i said im an athiest youre now trying to paint me into a corner :rolleyes: but it doesnt work ;)[/QUOT


I don't need to do any reading up on what an Islamophobe is

Most people are Islamophobic, and if they are not, they should do some research on Islam - and then they will be.


Back on the thread, it was a peaceful protest against terrorism in my opinion.

Its a statement to our Politicians who ALL seem to want to turn a blind eye to it.

The question is - why did this protest march receive no media coverage ?

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The EDL marched in London that very same day I think - two totally separate march's

As far as I'm aware there were no reported incidents from the FLA march.

The organiser stated he did not want any Right Wing groups associating themselves with this march.

It was a march against Terrorism - not against Muslims.

There were speakers from different religions and different creeds.

Maybe you could help Mafya out here aswell Mel - when have 10,000 Muslims marched against Terrorism ?

Was the Finsbury Park attack an act of Terrorism - or was it a revenge attack ? That's another debate altogether.

Fact is, it was a 'peaceful' protest. No flag waving, no placards.

What was not to like about it ?


The question is - why did this protest march receive no media coverage ?


Probably because there was no flag waving or placards.


That's my guess.

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