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Football Lads' Alliance march 24.6.17.

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and if they are not, they should do some research on Islam - and then they will be.

there we go, yet again, just like the idiots in the video comments on youtube, do you really think sentences like this might have something to do with the problem? its certainly not a solution, slagging off essentially every muslim in the world does NOT bring them onto your side, and will anger and alienate more which is a large part of the problem currently. Young males with nothing to live for, no goal in life, feeling isolated, hated and angry look for something and hey ho they find ISIS telling them exactly the things they want to hear, drawing them in.


we need to be working with muslims not pushing them away, we need to win ISIS in the propaganda battle not create negative propaganda that drives people straight into the arms of the enemy.

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there we go, yet again, just like the idiots in the video comments on youtube, do you really think sentences like this might have something to do with the problem? its certainly not a solution, slagging off essentially every muslim in the world does NOT bring them onto your side, and will anger and alienate more which is a large part of the problem currently. Young males with nothing to live for, no goal in life, feeling isolated, hated and angry look for something and hey ho they find ISIS telling them exactly the things they want to hear, drawing them in.


we need to be working with muslims not pushing them away, we need to win ISIS in the propaganda battle not create negative propaganda that drives people straight into the arms of the enemy.


Islamophobia - is not 'slagging' off Muslims !

The clue is in the word 'ISLAMophobia - its a fear of Islam and its teachings / scriptures.

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there we go, yet again, just like the idiots in the video comments on youtube, do you really think sentences like this might have something to do with the problem? its certainly not a solution, slagging off essentially every muslim in the world does NOT bring them onto your side, and will anger and alienate more which is a large part of the problem currently. Young males with nothing to live for, no goal in life, feeling isolated, hated and angry look for something and hey ho they find ISIS telling them exactly the things they want to hear, drawing them in.


we need to be working with muslims not pushing them away, we need to win ISIS in the propaganda battle not create negative propaganda that drives people straight into the arms of the enemy.


Shh you're talking sense! Stop it! :hihi:


As a side note, and obviously not to you, I would respect people slightly more (only very slightly) if they just admitted they were racist and didn't like anyone Muslim. I'd think they were incredibly stupid, but I'd respect them a little for their honesty than I do when they spout their veiled racism.


'Islam's not a race so I'm not racist' - Ok, you're a bigot then. Well done.


All that type of stuff.

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Guest makapaka
Despite an estimated 10,000 taking part, this totally friendly and peaceful march was little reported. It was a march against hate and terrorism and included speakers from many communities, including a Sikh leader in all his regalia. No banners, flags or placards were allowed.


The event brought together rival football fans shaking hands from the London clubs with wreaths and a minute's silence on the London Bridge scene of the attacks. This new alliance is wanting similar get-togethers elsewhere in the UK. If you haven't heard of the Alliance, there's a video on You Tube ( the best has the picture of hands together.)


This is going places and is a non-political protest by largely working class lads forgetting their rivalry for the sake of some action against the threat of more deaths from terrorism.


Just looked in their Twitter page.


There's more talk about "millwaw" and "west Haaaam" than anything else.


Just looks like a big casual love-in?

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