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The right to own a firearm.

The right to own a firearm  

72 members have voted

  1. 1. The right to own a firearm

    • Yes I should have the right to own a firearm and prepared to use it
    • Limited right to own a firearm under limited guide lines
    • No person unless under licence should own a firearm
    • Not sure would need to look into it

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.........correct! but as you know some people on here are all hot Air! and mine is within the legal limit!


So "albeit a very powerfull air rifle" more of an average air rifle then.


Not massively dangerous to anyone unless you happen to take an eye out with it, and a rifle as a self defence weapon, not the most practical in a confined space.

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I often read online news about the UK it's seems to me crime is up ( get ready for the crime is down so need less Police gang to come out of hiding) often victim's of crime simply get a crime number and that's your lot my brother had this treatment after his car was broke in. Here in the United States under permit I can and do own a gun plus a member of National Rifles Association often practice out at a firing range.


In Texas if someone breaks into your home you have the right to protect you yourself and property as long the person breaking in is committing a crime is it time this right was given to UK citizens with the same guide lines? If Police cuts carry on as they are surely one has the right to protect himself against others who want to harm you and your family ?



Here in the UK if you were to manhandle a thief in your house, there is every chance the criminal would take you to Court for compensation. If the said thief were to injure himself in your house, by tripping up say and hurting himself, you would be back in Court defending yourself from another case of compensation.


My take on the subject would be, if a criminal/thief enters your property then his rights end, as soon as he enters he loses all rights. If he was to fall on the baseball bat in your hand and lose some teeth, hard luck it's his fault. If he was to get up and fall into the bat with his ribs say, maybe even breaking one or two, hard luck it's his fault, he should not have been there.




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We already have the right to protect ourself, be that in our own home or out and about. You just have to use reasonable force rather than shoot to kill.


You mean Tony Martin, and he was the farmer. He was prosecuted not just because he shot the burglar but rather because he lay in wait to ambush him.


No he did not, he came down the stairs and shot one scum bag as he was running away.




---------- Post added 28-06-2017 at 22:22 ----------


That's simply not true angelfire.


Which bit is not true.




---------- Post added 28-06-2017 at 22:34 ----------


You and I both know that gun crime is nothing in Britain compared to North America. There is no reason on earth why people should be allowed guns unless they are police, military or special services people. I do strongly believe that all UK policemen should carry firearms in this day and age. There are no other countries in the world , to my knowledge, who allow their police officers to go on the streets unarmed. Those two officers at the two London incidents were not armed , one died in the first one. At the second one the officer who challenged the terrorists may have saved lives and prevented his own, grievous injuries, had he had more than his truncheon.


Why. I have had firearms ALL my life, from a catapult as a lad, then onto an air rifle, then onto shotguns ending with full bore rifles. I never had the urge to do silly stuff with them as they would have been removed from me pretty damn quickly, as they should be. We have the tightest laws concerning firearms in the world I believe, long may it remain so. I have enjoyed them for well over 50 years, and the young folk I see at clay shoots hopefully will be the same, enjoying their chosen sport for many years to come.



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All licensed firearms in the UK have to be stored in a locked safe or cabinet. So if you were presented with a situation where you need such a weapon to defend yourelf, how fast do you think you can effectively react?

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Here in the UK if you were to manhandle a thief in your house, there is every chance the criminal would take you to Court for compensation. If the said thief were to injure himself in your house, by tripping up say and hurting himself, you would be back in Court defending yourself from another case of compensation.


My take on the subject would be, if a criminal/thief enters your property then his rights end, as soon as he enters he loses all rights. If he was to fall on the baseball bat in your hand and lose some teeth, hard luck it's his fault. If he was to get up and fall into the bat with his ribs say, maybe even breaking one or two, hard luck it's his fault, he should not have been there.





Totally agree. If some scroat illegally enters your property , then its game on as far as im concerned. And its about time the law in this country give people the right to defend their property against intruders by any means they see fit.

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its about time the law in this country give people the right to defend their property against intruders by any means they see fit.


The law already does..thankfully it doesn't listen to -Wild Bill Hicups - like yourself. You're dangerous enough on a forum let alone possessing a firearm.

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This part is not true, the bit where you made a statement, rather than your opinion.


"Here in the UK if you were to manhandle a thief in your house, there is every chance the criminal would take you to Court for compensation. If the said thief were to injure himself in your house, by tripping up say and hurting himself, you would be back in Court defending yourself from another case of compensation."


You are entitled to use reasonable force, and despite a few highly publicised cases of thieves getting compensation when skylights have failed under them, unless your house is filled with hidden dangers then there would be no chance of compensation for any injury that occurred.

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take a look over the pond at the suicide rate in the USA. Firearms account for 50% of them .


They try to keep it quiet but 60% of all gun deaths in the USA are suicide rather than homicide .


The problem with easily available firearms is they make it far too simple and convenient to successfully kill yourself. Its often documented that many suicide attempts are a cry for help except once you've put a bullet through your head there is no coming back.


edit - also look at suicide & domestic shootings v homicides in Switzerland & Finland for a more European view

Edited by WalkleyIan
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i was once told (or a policeman) that if you do catch, and assualt a burglar in your own home. to not phone 999.


he told me that i would end up answering questions about the assault.


he then told me to bundle the burglar into a car, drive them at least 30 miles away and essentially dump them.



his rational. the burglar would be unlikely to remember exactly which house he was assaulted in, and of course if he then calls 999 himself. when the police arrive at my house i would have cleaned up the mess, and simply deny anything



"what? a burglary? nope sorry, not me, its been very quiet here, me and the missus where watching tv"




You were told nonsense.

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