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FAO Expats in Australia!!

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This is a message for all those ex sheffielders that have moved down under.


I am looking to emmigrate down there atm and have been on line do do one of those assessment forms which determine my suitability to move, and i passed. Cant remember the specific points, but i certainly did - think it was 130.


What is the best way of searching for professional work out there (not one of those work/travel things).


I am at an early stage of the process - havent started any applications etc yet, but it would be nice to find out for ex sheffielders who have made the move what my best options are!


Thanks in advance



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What is the best way of searching for professional work out there (not one of those work/travel things).




In 1966, I contacted my professional association, the Australian Medical Association, and they airmailed me the "Positions Vacant" from their Journal. The Secretary wrote to explain how the Australian system worked, and invited me to visit the office when I arrived in Australia. A doctor in need of a partner arranged for me to visit his parents, who "interviewed" me, and we made travel arrangements. Three days before we left, one of my letters bore belated fruit, in the form of a job offer from a top hospital! Alas, I had to keep my word and go to the job I'd accepted!

The AMA secretary gave me morning tea in his office, and signed me up for membership, and was able to advise me on several points.

Some years later, I returned to UK on a visit, and wrote to the British Medical Association, as we had considered returning. On arrival, I telephoned them.

"Are you a BMA member?"

"Well, I was for 7 years, I'm an AMA member, and I'd rejoin as soon as I decided to come back"

"I'm sorry, if you are not a member we can't really help you; if you come to the office, the porter will escort you to Publications where you can buy the Journal with the Positions Vacant, but don't be long as he has to see you off the premises"

What a difference! Knowing where I was welcome, I got back on the plane, and never again thought of returning to work in UK

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