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Father Time waits for no one

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Strange title, so let me explain.


I don't do Facebook, although I was cajoled to sign up several yrs ago, the novelty wore off within a matter of weeks.


I always get mail alerts, 99.9% they just get trashed.

Then a few weeks back, out of the blue a friend from college days asked to friend me. 30yrs have passed since we last saw each other.

Later reflecting on the great times we'd had back then I went into the attic to seek out old photos, sure enough there were a few.


I decided to open my Facebook account and see my old friend once more.....

It was then it suddenly hit me, the friends I had back then in my younger days were all full of life, young and energetic. The stark realisation of the pictures Facebook threw at me left me wondering where the hell time had gone.


I'll make no secret of the fact that it depressed me for days afterwards, I actually wished in part my friend hadn't contacted me, so I would always remember them as they were in my minds eye.


A stark reminder that time waits for no one.

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Interesting thread friend - if you have Netflix I recommend you watch 'The Circle' - perhaps people who blindly sign up to facebook will think again? Perhaps not - but I could not help but see how good 'The Circle' was - there is also an element of 'Google' about the film which also comes across - it's how I would imagine Google operates. An interesting element of pressure on 'likes' - now if that isn't cyber bullying I don't know what is! Tom Hanks plays a very good CEO (akin to Steve Jobs/Mark Shuttleworth) and Emma Watson who plays the central character and shows how 'socialising' = 'loss of privacy/loss of friends who don't want to participate (literally!) and how transparency = embarassing moments'. ;)


Not f'd!

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A poem i wrote a few years ago...




I awake in the morning,

At the crack of dawn.

Not knowing what beholds me,

On this cold and frosty morn.


The daily clock is ticking,

And my life again as begun.

There’s no time to reflect,

Before I see the setting sun.


The days seem to be getting shorter,

And time is not on my side.

My face is quickly aging,

on life’s roller coaster ride.


The hours and minutes pass me by,

and days soon turn into night.

That’s another day of my life over

As sure as darkness follows light.


The weeks and years are flying,

And days come and go so fast.

What the future brings tomorrow,

Will soon be a memory of my past.

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Strange title, so let me explain.


I don't do Facebook, although I was cajoled to sign up several yrs ago, the novelty wore off within a matter of weeks.


I always get mail alerts, 99.9% they just get trashed.

Then a few weeks back, out of the blue a friend from college days asked to friend me. 30yrs have passed since we last saw each other.

Later reflecting on the great times we'd had back then I went into the attic to seek out old photos, sure enough there were a few.


I decided to open my Facebook account and see my old friend once more.....

It was then it suddenly hit me, the friends I had back then in my younger days were all full of life, young and energetic. The stark realisation of the pictures Facebook threw at me left me wondering where the hell time had gone.


I'll make no secret of the fact that it depressed me for days afterwards, I actually wished in part my friend hadn't contacted me, so I would always remember them as they were in my minds eye.


A stark reminder that time waits for no one.



A very similar thing happens to me. I don't have Facebook but have access to the one at work, so on odd occasions when a name from the past springs to mind I look them up. When I see their current photo I am always shocked that they don't resemble the teenager I knew at school.

Then I have to show it to my nearest and dearest with the question.......

I don't look as old as that do I ? :hihi::hihi:


I do still have friends from school but obviously us lot have not aged or changed a bit over the years :thumbsup:

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i was shown a picture of some old army mates at a reunion instead of my old pals all i saw was some old men in blazers,leave the past in the past.


oh i dont know, its life, we get old and we die...should we not just accept that, or should we live our life with our heads in the sand

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