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Sheffield night life

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Could not agree more.


People like what they like. Taste is a wholly personal thing.


People always start wetting their knickers because Leeds is getting some so called "premium" brand that Manchester and London has......and? Jazz it up all you want its still just a chain pub.


Its like when certain outlets open up and everyone jumps up and down that Sheffield should get one too. Perhaps a little research would show that most of these things are all owned by the same company. A case in point is the "premium" brands Miller and Carter or Browns. For all their pretension a quick google would show that they are owned by exactly the same company who owns the more looked down upon Toby Carvery and Harvester.


There is loads of decent nightlife in Sheffield for those who can be bothered to look beyond merely what they see on West Street. We have plenty of decent bars around. We have several of those so called "premium" bars in the specific places where their footfall demands.We have independent cinemas (long before Leeds had theirs), we have an out of town leisure park filled with all the gaudy neon and giant american style portions you can fill your face with, we have a selection of craft beer and real ale houses, we have a strip of independent ethnic restaurants for those seeking a different cuisine, we have a collection hipster style cafe-bars filled with the beautiful people, we have a mini spitalfields filled with all the wine bar yuppie crowd and we even have our own wannabe Shoreditch area just a quick walk out of town complete with its obligatory shipping containers.


What more is lacking?


This constant one upmanship against Leeds and Manchester all the time is tiresome.


If people have some genuinely substantive criticism of Sheffield nightlife I would like to hear it. However, "its not as good as Leeds" or "they have x brand and we dont" just doesn't cut it.


Moaning for moanings sake.


---------- Post added 09-07-2017 at 14:03 ----------


Like it or not, having a city centre with bars that are more like what you'd find in Barnsley and Rotherham will hardly bring in people from outside the local area. Leeds has a nighttime economy double the size of Sheffields, and the bars and restaurants you'd get on Park Row and Greek Street, like the Alchemist, Gusto, Lost and Found, and the soon to be Neighbourhood Bar, you'd never see in Sheffield. For starters, Sheffielders would baulk at the prices, then wonder why nothing classy comes to Sheffield. Could you imagine Gaucho opening in Sheffield if people turned up their noses at Bar and Grill which went under a few years ago? As we've seen so many times before, restaurants which charge a little more in Sheffield have closed courtesy of the prevalent "arr much" attitude. No glitz and sticky floors seems to be the way forward in Sheffield and South Yorkshire. No wonder the likes of Leeds, Manchester and York completely blow Sheffield away.


Maybe one could argue that people of Sheffield are more savvy than those of Leeds and Manchester. Perhaps they are not moronic enough to fall for such "trends" and marketing. Nor would they be so stupid to pay excessive london prices for what is basically chain restaurant food.


Also if you seriously are going to state that the nightlife in Sheffield is like what you would find in Barnsley and Rotherham you need your head rattling.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Could not agree more.


People like what they like. Taste is a wholly personal thing.


People always start wetting their knickers because Leeds is getting some so called "premium" brand that Manchester and London has......and? Jazz it up all you want its still just a chain pub.


Its like when certain outlets open up and everyone jumps up and down that Sheffield should get one too. Perhaps a little research would show that most of these things are all owned by the same company. A case in point is the "premium" brands Miller and Carter or Browns. For all their pretension a quick google would show that they are owned by exactly the same company who owns the more looked down upon Toby Carvery and Harvester.


There is loads of decent nightlife in Sheffield for those who can be bothered to look beyond merely what they see on West Street. We have plenty of decent bars around. We have several of those so called "premium" bars in the specific places where their footfall demands.We have independent cinemas (long before Leeds had theirs), we have an out of town leisure park filled with all the gaudy neon and giant american style portions you can fill your face with, we have a selection of craft beer and real ale houses, we have a strip of independent ethnic restaurants for those seeking a different cuisine, we have a collection hipster style cafe-bars filled with the beautiful people, we have a mini spitalfields filled with all the wine bar yuppie crowd and we even have our own wannabe Shoreditch area just a quick walk out of town complete with its obligatory shipping containers.


What more is lacking?


This constant one upmanship against Leeds and Manchester all the time is tiresome.


If people have some genuinely substantive criticism of Sheffield nightlife I would like to hear it. However, "its not as good as Leeds" or "they have x brand and we dont" just doesn't cut it.


Moaning for moanings sake.


---------- Post added 09-07-2017 at 14:03 ----------



Maybe one could argue that people of Sheffield are more savvy than those of Leeds and Manchester. Perhaps they are not moronic enough to fall for such "trends" and marketing. Nor would they be so stupid to pay excessive london prices for what is basically chain restaurant food.


Also if you seriously are going to state that the nightlife in Sheffield is like what you would find in Barnsley and Rotherham you need your head rattling.

There he goes - more of the Leeds bashing. According to ECCOnoob, perhaps every street in every city should be just like West Street. As far as can be seen, Sheffield caters for the student market and little else. It is merely Barnsley on a different scale. Unlike Sheffield, Leeds and Manchester, like London, draw from surrounding areas from 20 or more miles away, they also cater better for those in their 40s and above, and people there realise there are more than just students around. Why shouldn't Leeds have bars like Neighbourhood and the Alchemist, not to mention the Conran restaurants at Trinity and Victoriagate when it can clearly support them, owing to being more prosperous than Sheffield with a gaping GVA figure gap per head of population between the two cities? Even Sheffield's best bars can hardly be described as 'premium', and there certainly won't be an outlet of The Ivy opening in Sheffield, as its certainly not 'two for a tenner' there. Through your eyes, why should people go to say Gaucho when they can go to Wetherspoons instead, and of course your definition of savvy is going to the Bankers Draft instead of a bar like the Neighbourhood Restaurant. The harsh reality is Leeds is years ahead of Sheffield and is likely to remain that way, and no amount of anti-Leeds drivel will alter that.

Edited by pss60
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There he goes - more of the Leeds bashing. According to ECCOnoob, perhaps every street in every city should be just like West Street.


I must have read a different post to the one you did - from what I read Ecconoob was saying there's a lot more to Sheffield than just West St.

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There he goes - more of the Leeds bashing. According to ECCOnoob, perhaps every street in every city should be just like West Street. As far as can be seen, Sheffield caters for the student market and little else. It is merely Barnsley on a different scale. Unlike Sheffield, Leeds and Manchester, like London, draw from surrounding areas from 20 or more miles away, they also cater better for those in their 40s and above, and people there realise there are more than just students around. Why shouldn't Leeds have bars like Neighbourhood and the Alchemist, not to mention the Conran restaurants at Trinity and Victoriagate when it can clearly support them, owing to being more prosperous than Sheffield with a gaping GVA figure gap between the two cities? Through your eyes, why should people go to say Gaucho when they can go to Wetherspoons instead? The harsh reality is Leeds is years ahead of Sheffield and is likely to remain that way, and no amount of anti-Leeds drivel will alter that.


Only countering your Sheffield bashing and your anti-sheffield drivel.


No I dont want every street to be like West Street and that is the whole point of my posts.


There is lots more to Sheffield than West Street and lots of things that cater perfectly well for the over 40s. People need to take a walk around and open thier eyes to see what there is.


If you READ my post you will see that I have said we already have a selection of premium restaurants and bars in the specific locations where the trade is and for those who CHOOSE to use them.


The point I am making is that just becuase a "premium" level brand turns up, it does not automatically mean that everything else around it is inferior. People need to face facts that no matter how trendy or desirable or aspirational a venue, Not everyone wants it. Not everyone will choose to use it. We are not sheep.


To seemingly write those people off as if they are some lower class is obscene. Listen mush, not everything in your fabulous Leeds is so great. I am very familiar with the city and some drinking holes are complete dumps. JUST LIKE SHEFFIELD, Leeds has some posh parts, some trendy parts and some completely run down parts.


Quite frankly I could not give a toss what bar chains Leeds has compared to us. We have a very good mix which caters perfectly well for the population we have. Sheffield has never been and never will be a tourist hotspot except with the rare exception of specific events, and for anyone to have some deluded desire that it will be is nonsense.


Enough with the willy waving.

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I must have read a different post to the one you did - from what I read Ecconoob was saying there's a lot more to Sheffield than just West St.

I suppose you could include Division Street and Devonshire Street - more of the haunts designed chiefly for students and the T-shirts and trainers. Leeds and Manchester simply blow Sheffield away when it comes down to choice and variety.


---------- Post added 09-07-2017 at 15:12 ----------


Only countering your Sheffield bashing and your anti-sheffield drivel.


No I dont want every street to be like West Street and that is the whole point of my posts.


There is lots more to Sheffield than West Street and lots of things that cater perfectly well for the over 40s. People need to take a walk around and open thier eyes to see what there is.


If you READ my post you will see that I have said we already have a selection of premium restaurants and bars in the specific locations where the trade is and for those who CHOOSE to use them.


The point I am making is that just becuase a "premium" level brand turns up, it does not automatically mean that everything else around it is inferior. People need to face facts that no matter how trendy or desirable or aspirational a venue, Not everyone wants it. Not everyone will choose to use it. We are not sheep.


To seemingly write those people off as if they are some lower class is obscene. Listen mush, not everything in your fabulous Leeds is so great. I am very familiar with the city and some drinking holes are complete dumps. JUST LIKE SHEFFIELD, Leeds has some posh parts, some trendy parts and some completely run down parts.


Quite frankly I could not give a toss what bar chains Leeds has compared to us. We have a very good mix which caters perfectly well for the population we have. Sheffield has never been and never will be a tourist hotspot except with the rare exception of specific events, and for anyone to have some deluded desire that it will be is nonsense.


Enough with the willy waving.

I know both Sheffield and Leeds well, and the sort of bars Leeds and Manchester gets pull people in from far and wide, injecting money into the local economy, not to mention their city centre businesses which prove to be a goldmine in the evenings. That is the way forwards for any aspiring city. For both Leeds and Manchester, their catchment areas can run to 50 or 70 miles from their city centres, overlapping with each other and with other cities catchment areas besides.

Edited by pss60
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I suppose you could include Division Street and Devonshire Street - more of the haunts designed chiefly for students and the T-shirts and trainers. Leeds and Manchester simply blow Sheffield away when it comes down to choice and variety.


If you are not being obtuse you could also include things like Leopold Square, Millenium Square, Tudor Square, Kelham Island and Ecclesall Road.


Go on I'll bite. What exactly in "vareity" is lacking. Name me a type of venue (not just some brand name) which you think Sheffield is screaming out for?

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Guest makapaka
There he goes - more of the Leeds bashing. According to ECCOnoob, perhaps every street in every city should be just like West Street. As far as can be seen, Sheffield caters for the student market and little else. It is merely Barnsley on a different scale. Unlike Sheffield, Leeds and Manchester, like London, draw from surrounding areas from 20 or more miles away, they also cater better for those in their 40s and above, and people there realise there are more than just students around. Why shouldn't Leeds have bars like Neighbourhood and the Alchemist, not to mention the Conran restaurants at Trinity and Victoriagate when it can clearly support them, owing to being more prosperous than Sheffield with a gaping GVA figure gap per head of population between the two cities? Even Sheffield's best bars can hardly be described as 'premium', and there certainly won't be an outlet of The Ivy opening in Sheffield, as its certainly not 'two for a tenner' there. Through your eyes, why should people go to say Gaucho when they can go to Wetherspoons instead, and of course your definition of savvy is going to the Bankers Draft instead of a bar like the Neighbourhood Restaurant. The harsh reality is Leeds is years ahead of Sheffield and is likely to remain that way, and no amount of anti-Leeds drivel will alter that.


Did you even read Ecconoobs post?

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I suppose you could include Division Street and Devonshire Street - more of the haunts designed chiefly for students and the T-shirts and trainers. Leeds and Manchester simply blow Sheffield away when it comes down to choice and variety.


It depends what you're after - I virtually never go into town - but there's lot more to the city than the mainstream chain bars of west st/division st etc

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If you are not being obtuse you could also include things like Leopold Square, Millenium Square, Tudor Square, Kelham Island and Ecclesall Road.


Go on I'll bite. What exactly in "vareity" is lacking. Name me a type of venue (not just some brand name) which you think Sheffield is screaming out for?


Lets not forget that Manchester and Leeds get far more visitors than Sheffield, with a higher average spend per visitor. With Leeds that average spend per visitor is two and a half times higher and for Manchester three and a half times higher. The bars in the places you mentioned in Sheffield are hardly what you'd call premium bars as they and more besides like them are also found in Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool and many other places, but with Leeds and Manchester there is a greater variety for all and for all budgets right up into the hundreds of pounds - the sort of sums that produce gasps of "arr much" - and that is the main reason why Bar and Grill failed in Leopold Square a few years ago, as if £18 for a steak was a cardinal sin. The London Club would follow it into oblivion a short while later for the same reason. Nobody would have batted an eyelid at that price in Manchester and Leeds let alone London. At the end of the day, places like Manchester and Leeds have thriving bars and restaurants that would have failed in Sheffield, and certainly not because they are bad places.


---------- Post added 09-07-2017 at 18:26 ----------


Did you even read Ecconoobs post?

I certainly do read them, and when they mention Leeds, its the usual anti-Leeds drivel.


---------- Post added 09-07-2017 at 18:28 ----------


If you are not being obtuse you could also include things like Leopold Square, Millenium Square, Tudor Square, Kelham Island and Ecclesall Road.


Go on I'll bite. What exactly in "vareity" is lacking. Name me a type of venue (not just some brand name) which you think Sheffield is screaming out for?

It is down to whether they're screaming to come to Sheffield. We await to see whether Neighbourhood Restaurant, The Ivy, Dirty Martini, The Lost and Found, Gaucho, San Carlo, Tattu and the rest come to Sheffield.

Edited by pss60
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Lets not forget that Manchester and Leeds get far more visitors than Sheffield, with a higher average spend per visitor. With Leeds that average spend per visitor is two and a half times higher and for Manchester three and a half times higher. The bars in the places you mentioned in Sheffield are hardly what you'd call premium bars as they and more besides like them are also found in Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool and many other places, but with Leeds and Manchester there is a greater variety for all and for all budgets right up into the hundreds of pounds - the sort of sums that produce gasps of "arr much" - and that is the main reason why Bar and Grill failed in Leopold Square a few years ago, as if £18 for a steak was a cardinal sin. The London Club would follow it into oblivion a short while later for the same reason. Nobody would have batted an eyelid at that price in Manchester and Leeds let alone London. At the end of the day, places like Manchester and Leeds have thriving bars and restaurants that would have failed in Sheffield, and certainly not because they are bad places.


---------- Post added 09-07-2017 at 18:26 ----------


I certainly do read them, and when they mention Leeds, its the usual anti-Leeds drivel.


---------- Post added 09-07-2017 at 18:28 ----------


It is down to whether they're screaming to come to Sheffield. We await to see whether Neighbourhood Restaurant, The Ivy, Dirty Martini, The Lost and Found, Gaucho, San Carlo, Tattu and the rest come to Sheffield.


Wow, you really are full of it. Stats that is, which of course you will happily provide me with verified links for.


So, you can unequivocally evidence that London Club and Bar and Grill failed solely because us penny pinching locals complained about the costs eh? Really? Couldn't possibly for one second be that perhaps they were found to be crap restaurants.


Interestingly, you do love bringing up that place. Several times you have mentioned it now. Did you have shares in it or something?? You certainly have a bee in your bonet about something since these 6 whinging posts are all you have contributed since you joined this forum yesterday.


Now if those bars in the places I have mentioned are so shoddy, what on earth are they doing showing their faces in your wonderous Leeds eh? Could it be perhaps, people do actually frequent them?


As for your totally irrelevant list of even more brand names, why dont you bother to READ WHAT I HAVE ASKED YOU.


Here is another reminder:


What exactly in "vareity" is lacking. Name me a type of venue (not just some brand name) which you think Sheffield is screaming out for?


How many more times do I have to say it. I could not give a toss what brands Leeds or Manchester or London has compared to Sheffield. Its what PRODUCT is being offered or in the case of your supposed argument lacking which is the crux of the issue. Now are we going to address it or are we just going to play a tit for tit game of listing companies.

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