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241 Years Ago Today - Independence Day One

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Maybe it will be called Brexit day where we are allowed to celebrate with Union Flags flying and not have a fear of being called racist.

And maybe there will be stories told about a hero called Nigel Farage who, a la Paul Revere, ran around the streets shouting that the Europeans are coming.


I will now sit back and wait for the abuse lol.


No abuse from me, just gently pointing out that the Declaration of Independence was a carefully worded document with pivotal global historical consequences, and the creation of a world changing idea, whereas Brexit will be a footnote in Britain's gradual decline, and a bit of a baffling event to future historians as there seemed to be no plan in evidence, and was essentially walking off a cliff in the hope of stitching a parachute together on the way down.


Phan my old friend, thank you for always remembering us yanks today! You never forget. :wave:


I'm very proud to count you as a forum friend, even if we never meet in real life - and the 4th is a day to celebrate everywhere, not just the USA, because it's an inspiration for liberation and freedom.

Edited by Phanerothyme
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July 4th 1776 was only the date of Congress's DECLARATION of Independence. But that doesn't mean that date, was the date that the USA became a de facto independent country.


it didn't. Nobody else recognised the USA as an independent country. And there was the small matter of the revolutionary war to get over with first, a war which the USA might have lost. The USA's 'real' independence day is the day, September 3rd, when the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783 when especially Britain but also others fully recognised that there really was such a thing as a USA.


with other countries there can also be a gap between the date of the declaration of independence and the date of actual independence. The Philippines' '1776 moment', when they declared their independence from Spain, is June 12, 1898. But the Philippines did not become a full independent country until nearly fifty years later, on July 4, 1946 and for a while that day, July 4, was also the Independence Day holiday of the Philippines too. In the 1950s though, their Independence Day was changed from July 4th, the 'real' independence day, to June 12th, the date of the 1898 Independence declaration.


with other countries still, there is no gap at all. Malaysia both declared, and got their independence from Britain on the same day, 31 August 1957.

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July 4th was only the day when a bunch of dudes got it into their heads to DECLARE Independence - although even that, is in some dispute and some people think that the 'real' Declaration of Independence Day was not July 4th at all, but July 2nd.


whatever day it was, July 4th or 2nd, it was only the Declaration Day. Just because they declared independence didn't mean that they got their independence, just like that. About 30% of the American colonists in 1776 were with the Independence Declarers, and liked the idea of this new USA thing. But around 30% of the American colonists in 1776 weren't with the Independence Declarers at all, and they wanted what the Independence Declarers said was the USA, not to be the USA at all, but to stay a British colony. The rest of them had no opinion, and just waited to see which way the winds blew.

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Yet American still celebrate on July 4th, and 2026 will be celebrated especially strongly, as it marks the 250th anniversary of nothing at all? Where would we be without your enlightenment?




... well let's just hope we all get to 2026 to be able to celebrate, now that Mr Nutjob is in control... :roll:

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Happy Independence Day Sierra.


And the same to others in America who often used to post, Harleyman, Buck, and Rupert etc.

Hope they are well.


Thank you kindly, janie. We had a nice day yesterday. Fireworks and everything. And there's so much leftover food! :D


buck still posts occasionally. Harleyman and Rupert haven't been around in awhile. I also hope they're ok.

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the Declaration Day is just the Declaration Day and by itself it means nothing.


most people living in the 13 colonies in 1776 didn't want there to be an independent country called the USA.


a small bunch of Kurds or Palestinians, Yazidis, or Californians or Texans for that matter, could declare their Independence tomorrow, but so what. By itself, the Declaration of Independence doesn't mean anything unless you win it.

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