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Alighting passengers

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Why would you need to stop on the zigzags? Just a couple of feet/yards away wouldn't be such a hardship would it?


No one should, they should get a ticket, but there is no enforcement. There is now talk of getting a ticket for leaving your bin out too long, but they cannot enforce safety critical rules.

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See post #5 following on from post #4. Not sure what all the pathetic eye rolls are for though!


See post 5? I wrote post five you fool!


Like I said no-one ever mentioned anything about refusing to provide an officer details but you, so why even bring it up???


You can get a fine (and points I think) for stopping on zig zags, but it's not an arrestable offence.



Any offence is now (theoretically) arrestable


Yes, but if you got dragged down the station and had your car impounded just for stopping on a zig zag you would probably have quite an interesting conversation with the IPCC after.


Not really! The scenario would be if you refused to provide your details. Sec 117 PACE states that a police officer may detain anyone who has committed an offence and refused his details, in order to obtain those details or put them up before the next available magistrate.



(some more of your favourite eyes)


There is now talk of getting a ticket for leaving your bin out too long, but they cannot enforce safety critical rules.


Thats been mentioned in various forms for years tho, every so often they'll do a mail-shot or something telling people to only put bins out at a certain time and to take them back in right after collection.


It's like the think the entire city sits on it's arse waiting for the bin men to come round or something???

People have gotta be at work, they can't be faffing around with bins.

Edited by geared
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