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Should cyclists be required to wear High-Visibility Vests or Jackets?

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I know there are those who will oppose any change to how cyclists ride on the roads, but after todays near accident, which was my fault. I'm certain if the cyclist was wearing a high visibility jacket I would have seen him.


I pulled out of a junction and did not see the guy until after he had passed in front of me. The low light and his dark clothing made him difficult to see It was my fault, but I suspect, if he was wearing something more visible I would have seen him. His dark grey top on a slightly light grey bike with out a helmet, made him very difficult to see in the low light at approx 7am today.


Many cyclists do wear either bright clothing or high visibility jackets or vests, but should this be mandatory? I think so, going by personal experience.

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Cycling provides an overall benefit to society - the health benefits outweigh the risks. Anything therefore that will put people off cycling and hence reduce the numbers of people cycling will have an overall negative impact. Forcing people to wear high vis is going to put people off for several reasons - having to buy high vis, it looks crap, its uncomfortable.


Now on the other hand driving is on average not beneficial to society so maybe everyone should be forced to take an advanced driving course, increasing awareness of how to drive according to road conditions etc. This may put people off driving but that is a good thing.


I generally wear high vis but not always, I'm not convinced it makes that much difference. I simply assume that no one can see me and so cycle accordingly (like I'm riding through a field of blind people driving tanks in random directions, some of whom have an irrational hatred of cyclists)

Edited by TimmyR
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I know there are those who will oppose any change to how cyclists ride on the roads, but after todays near accident, which was my fault. I'm certain if the cyclist was wearing a high visibility jacket I would have seen him.


I pulled out of a junction and did not see the guy until after he had passed in front of me. The low light and his dark clothing made him difficult to see It was my fault, but I suspect, if he was wearing something more visible I would have seen him. His dark grey top on a slightly light grey bike with out a helmet, made him very difficult to see in the low light at approx 7am today.


Many cyclists do wear either bright clothing or high visibility jackets or vests, but should this be mandatory? I think so, going by personal experience.


Checking to see if it was safe to pull out of the junction would be a better solution in this case.

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Have you considered retaking your test?


Your observation skills are lacking


He did say it was low light and the cyclist was wearing dark clothing!

There is such a thing as self preservation.

I cycle ( much to my dismay) and am very conscious of my own safety hence bright clothing, lights and helmet.

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Should motorists only be allowed to buy yellow cars?


cars have to have working external lighting systems. Bikes do not. Maybe the question by OP should be rephrased to should cyclists be forced to have lights and use them in low light and at night?

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