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Volvo to stop using conventional engines

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Quite a few places have setup on-street residential charging, although last I heard it's actually being cut-back on now due to it's popularity.

Seems the councils did the maths and footing the electricity bill for tons of people to charge their car every night was actually going to be rather expensive!


You are right though, charging needs to be convenient and accessible (ie at home) but that is simply not feasible now.


Unless you have a garage or driveway of course. Which whilst uncommon in Walkley, aren't that uncommon generally across the country.

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Unless you have a garage or driveway of course. Which whilst uncommon in Walkley, aren't that uncommon generally across the country.


True but it still leaves millions of people with no option, and really thats just not going to cut it.

Fast charging needs to be sorted before it's really got a chance at being mainstream.


Mind you Toyota have the Mirai out so there is still some people interested in fuel-cell vehicles.

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........and what are those poor Arabs going to do with all that oil?...How will the Makatooms live when oil is only a farthing a barrel?


They're super excited about the future of electric. Tesla is opening its Dubai showroom next week.

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Unless you have a garage or driveway of course. Which whilst uncommon in Walkley, aren't that uncommon generally across the country.


It'd be interesting to know what kind of proportion of car owners do have off-street or garage parking. Housing with parking is by nature lower density, so maybe they make up a lower proportion than it seems?

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[i have a Lexus hybrid 450s, its ten years old now and has been brilliant. A recent battery report showed the batteries to be as good as new. The engineer at the Lexus dealer said they have never changed a battery pack yet. Really fancy trying all electric next.

QUOTE=Harrystottle;11690373]The UK will need to invest heavily in new power stations then. At the moment we couldn't reliably produce enough electricity to power electric cars if we all switched to them.


Hybrids actually do use a petrol or diesel engline though don't they, to power the battery?


Does anyone know how long the batteries in an electric car last? Or what happens to the old batteries once they are replaced?


I like the idea of hybrids / electric cars but am a bit wary about the above, plus range anxiety and the time it takes to recharge them.

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I've heard some really good things about Tesla batteries, people saying they've done mega miles and not really noticed much dip in battery life.


I think old batteries can be sent off and recycled/refurbished? Not sure of the exact process mind.

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I've heard some really good things about Tesla batteries, people saying they've done mega miles and not really noticed much dip in battery life.


I think old batteries can be sent off and recycled/refurbished? Not sure of the exact process mind.

Tesla is innovating the re-use of electric cars' batteries which have ended rechargeability, for installation in houses/flats in order to store energy unwanted at the time of production (e.g. solar).

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