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Volvo to stop using conventional engines

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150 people show up on a bank holiday, then proceed to plug all their cars into the electric points and gobble the juice.


The only image I have now in my head, after the last part of that sentence, is of Frankie Howard, pulling the face he did when anyone used an innuendo like that!! :hihi:

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I am perhaps being pedantic here, but there is no "unwanted" solar energy. If solar is being generated by rooftop panels, when not being used by the owner of the house, the energy goes into the national grid, and will be used by someone else. With the owner of the panels being paid.

But National Grid reports that, on occasions, the solar panels' contribution means too much power available on the Grid- hence it pays users to take away the surplus! By having house-located batteries, the panel's owner can self-store the surplus.

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But National Grid reports that, on occasions, the solar panels' contribution means too much power available on the Grid- hence it pays users to take away the surplus! By having house-located batteries, the panel's owner can self-store the surplus.


National Grid may be forced to pay higher prices to power plants to stop generating electricity this summer as demand for power continues falling to set new record lows.


I guess it depends which article you read!





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Maybe I'm a bit out of date, I'm not sure. But years ago I contemplated buying an all electric motor scooter...


When I shopped about to get insurance, I couldn't find a single company who offered a policy. All of them said it was because they were considered dangerous because people couldn't hear your approaching, because they were so quiet.


Also, they said, as there wasn't any 'history' in regard to electric vehicles, that was a problem too.


I presume these days you can get insurance for electric cars...But isn't the same 'quietness' of them still an issue?


I abandoned my plans for the scooter eventually.

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Bold and very interesting move by France, a country thats heavily into Diesel cars.


If the entire country is to go electric only they really need to get cracking on infrastructure immediately.


Especially as their leading choice of manufacturer is PSA and their electric car is a bit rubbish.


Luckily their second choice is Renault and they have the Zoe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, Michael Gove has now announced that we will be following France's lead and banning the sale of new petrol/diesel cars from 2040.


I think most will be on their way out by then anyway, but hopefully this will give the impetus to make it happen.


We're going to need some joined up thinking on power generation, storage and supply though.

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