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Until all men have learned how to behave..

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Is that what I said? No. No it isn't. At all.


I've said that most rapes are committed by men, against women. That's factually correct.


I've said that most current terrorist groups are muslim. That's also factually correct - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_designated_terrorist_groups


Equally, it's ludicrous to suggest that anything other than a tiny percentage of men are rapists.


Equally, it's ludicrous to suggest that anything other than a tiny percentage of muslims are terrorists.


I've said it's ridiculous to suggest that it's acceptable to exclude all men from an event on the basis that a small percentage might rape. That is prejudice, and shouldn't be allowed. It is wrong to persecute an entire body of people on the basis of the actions of a few criminals who don't represent that body as a whole.


I've said it's ridiculous to suggest that it's acceptable to exclude all muslims from an event on the basis that a small percentage might commit terrorist activities. That is prejudice and shouldn't be allowed. It is wrong to persecute an entire body of people on the basis of the actions of a few criminals who don't represent that body as a whole.


Still don't see it? Really? Or just pretending?


Feel free to change what I've said again and suggest I've said something I haven't.


---------- Post added 12-07-2017 at 11:50 ----------



Oh, and on that point, no, it's not simply legal to bar men. You need reasons and justification. Yes it happens, but it has to be justifiable. It's not simply ok, as sex/gender is a protected characteristic.


How do we still have men-only golf clubs then?

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How do we still have men-only golf clubs then?




Explains most of it. You need to be able to objectively justify the reasoning behind it.


That and unless someone complains (eg cake shops and cakes for gay weddings cases) then it won't ever be an issue.


Summary is, it's far more complex than just 'it's allowed' but unless someone actively challenges it, then nothing will happen.

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Is that what I said? No. No it isn't. At all.


I've said that most rapes are committed by men, against women. That's factually correct.


I've said that most current terrorist groups are muslim. That's also factually correct - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_designated_terrorist_groups

That wiki page doesn't support your assertion in the slightest. Did you even look at it?


Try again.

For example, in 2013, there were 152 terror attacks in Europe. Only two of them were “religiously motivated,” while 84 were predicated upon ethno-nationalist or separatist beliefs.


Equally, it's ludicrous to suggest that anything other than a tiny percentage of men are rapists.

Fortunately nobody suggested otherwise.


Equally, it's ludicrous to suggest that anything other than a tiny percentage of muslims are terrorists.


I've said it's ridiculous to suggest that it's acceptable to exclude all men from an event on the basis that a small percentage might rape. That is prejudice, and shouldn't be allowed. It is wrong to persecute an entire body of people on the basis of the actions of a few criminals who don't represent that body as a whole.

Are you being persecuted? Ah, diddums need a hug because he couldn't go to a festival and was so persecuted by it.

Feel free to change what I've said again and suggest I've said something I haven't.

No need at all, not that I ever did.

Oh, and on that point, no, it's not simply legal to bar men. You need reasons and justification. Yes it happens, but it has to be justifiable. It's not simply ok, as sex/gender is a protected characteristic.


You're agreeing with me. It is legal, given justifications. It's not a blanket illegal thing to do.

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Are you being persecuted? Ah, diddums need a hug because he couldn't go to a festival and was so persecuted by it.


Well, you're really showing your level here aren't you with these insults.


I'll just point out my comment from earlier...


I'm not offended at all about not being able to attend. I find the fact you're fine with the idea odd to say the least.


And 'broflakes'? Seriously, please grow up.


I refer to my last comment - please grow up. There's no need for silly insults. You may be a teenager - I neither know nor care - but please act like an adult if you want an adult discussion.


As for the rest of your points, I shall leave it at this. Whether you agree with the comparison or not, if you can't see that presuming all men to be potential rapists, based on the fact that a few are is prejudice, I think you may need to return to the dictionary to look up the definition.


It's prejudiced to assume that a muslim will be a terrorist because he is a muslim and some muslims are terrorists, that a man will be a rapist because he is a man and some men rape, and any other number of comparative examples.


If you can't see that prejudice or accept it, then that says rather a lot about you. (I'm fairly confident you can of course, and you're just being difficult for the sake of it, not that you'll admit that)

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Because sexism and equality are not the exclusive property of women.


No, but women are still quite new to it arent they, It was only 60yrs or so ago when we weren't allowed to have our own bank accounts!


You guys are waaaay ahead of us, some hundrends of years in fact..

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No, but women are still quite new to it arent they, It was only 60yrs or so ago when we weren't allowed to have our own bank accounts!


You guys are waaaay ahead of us, some hundrends of years in fact..


The point that Berberis made is valid though. That's like now accepting racism against white people as a reasonable or even beneficial thin, on the basis that black people endured it for so long. Thankfully we've moved on from those days, and it's not a challenge to flip it on its head. Abhorrent behaviour, be it racism, sexism or anything else is thankfully being removed from our society. It doesn't need to 'go the other way' and allow previously 'victim' groups to then become the aggressors. That helps nothing.

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No, but women are still quite new to it arent they, It was only 60yrs or so ago when we weren't allowed to have our own bank accounts!


You guys are waaaay ahead of us, some hundrends of years in fact..


How am I ahead? I'm not of the generation you mention and neither are you. Sexism is not only aimed at one sex and equality is for all. If you think you gain equality by depriving another group of it, that is not equality.

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Well, you're really showing your level here aren't you with these insults.


I'll just point out my comment from earlier...




I refer to my last comment - please grow up. There's no need for silly insults. You may be a teenager - I neither know nor care - but please act like an adult if you want an adult discussion.


As for the rest of your points, I shall leave it at this. Whether you agree with the comparison or not, if you can't see that presuming all men to be potential rapists, based on the fact that a few are is prejudice, I think you may need to return to the dictionary to look up the definition.


It's prejudiced to assume that a muslim will be a terrorist because he is a muslim and some muslims are terrorists, that a man will be a rapist because he is a man and some men rape, and any other number of comparative examples.


If you can't see that prejudice or accept it, then that says rather a lot about you. (I'm fairly confident you can of course, and you're just being difficult for the sake of it, not that you'll admit that)


The 'insults' aren't silly, nor are they really insulting.


You can't explain how you're being persecuted or why this matters to you.

And there's a good reason for that.


---------- Post added 12-07-2017 at 14:18 ----------


How am I ahead? I'm not of the generation you mention and neither are you. Sexism is not only aimed at one sex and equality is for all. If you think you gain equality by depriving another group of it, that is not equality.


What do you think equality means? Does it mean that everything is open to everyone? Should you be able to use the womens changing rooms or the womens bathroom? Or is it equal enough that there is a bathroom you can access?


---------- Post added 12-07-2017 at 14:21 ----------


This is about womens only swimming, but the same principles hold. Except in this case it's fear of rape rather than feeling uncomfortable that is the driving force.



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