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Anyone here from Attercliffe?


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Hi Brooksy,


If I come across any photos I will let you know.


I knew Chelmsford Street in the early 70's, the large haulage firm, Harry Olivers chip shop on the corner of Worthing Road.


I had relations who where moved onto Chelmsford Street in the slum clearances from further down the "cliffe". They thought they had died and gone to heaven. No noisy works and an offshot kitchen too. They lived near the old church/chapel with the wooden cobblestones set into the road.


We would always walk down to see what the swap shop had in. There would nearly always be a boxed micrometer in the window. Then down to see what Jennings had in their many windows, thats if you could get near the windows for the stuff piled high on the pavement. This was before Jennings moved across the road.

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Originally posted by Elwood

I was born in Cottingham Street. Number 54, I think. The house got blasted by a land mine or bomb during the blitz. We escaped to the cellar of a neighbour's house - they were called Gleadall, I think.

any relatoins the elwoods that used to live on wordworth ave justup from the 5 arches

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Originally posted by buck

Does anyone remember the Attercliffe roller skating rink. Saturday afternoon was full of kids learning to skate, but evenings there was dancing on skates and some people were pretty professional at it. I thought I was too at 14 till a broken arm and a few days in City General proved otherwise

i used like the mugs go racing down one side grab the railings at the bottom and swing back up the other side

do you remember the two older women with short skirts and red coates on the rink

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Originally posted by chocoholic

Hiya Rosiebear,

In one of your posts you mentioned the Grayson family,do you remeber any christian names?My maiden name is Grayson & I know my dad was born down there?

i once worked with an albert in the late 50 s at firth brown tools he came from darnel i believe

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my next door neigbour joan had the gate pub on attercliffe and shes been telling me how busy the pub was when all the steelworks were opend. she also told me a lot of them who were on the nightshift would clock in then stop in the pub very late. how times have changed and as soon as the steel works went the pub went into decline and closed.

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any oldies remember the old cliffe,washford pub..grey horse ?

mick tyrrell.albert chinn? boys brigade,scouts whitsuntide in high hazels park..petrified tree stumps now in sheffield museum........rhino whipping case attercliffe police cells......burgesses.buy a suit off the peg.....green dragon pub ?.wards house below robin hood the sportsman.cocker brothers spring manufacturers, the old trades hall......the horse meat butcher.vegetable carts at side of banners.the ladders leading out of brown baileys into the yard of the cocked hat pub ?the notorious attercliffe police station.every one fell down the stairs your hounour......the red phone box in brown baileys yard.etc.etc...etcmick tyrrell died of t b.1952.albert chinn is still with us.murders on stoke street.gang wars...cellar great gang.lost to history russian edna murdered in high hazels.sillito coming in and using the biggest coppers in town to break the moony gang/park gang.someone out there still remembers this.what a shame their memories are not recorded before its to late.wheres the sociality students ? they could write a book and make a small fortune out of sheffields history of the past 70 years.......

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