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Anyone here from Attercliffe?


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slightly of topic but does anyone remember seeing a chap called divy smith riding about on a push bike around atterclffe. nothing unusuall there you may think, but this bloke used to wear a suit and dickie bow plus a russian style hat. this was in the 70s and in 1995 i was working on effigham rd and unbelievably he cycled past with a suit on , kipper tie and is furry hat. even more strange it was july and boiling hot, what a lad.

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I shared the same double desk as john stead at school.-(hartly brook)

He did have blonde hair, forgotten about a streak though.

He was very small and had two sisters -denise and edna.

Im not sure but i think before that he went to huntsmans gardens.(was that a school at attercliffe.)


others i remember living in attercliffe were christine kelwick,

kim megson,pamela wragg,alfie melia,elaine wilks, marolyn grayson, denise pratt, terry critchlow- i think, mick hurst.

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Hi Peeps


I have been told to go to Banners on Attercliffe to get a football shirt framed (well just buy the frame) but going on what you guys are saying here, it doesn't even exist anymore??


If this is true can anyone tell me of anywhere else that might do this and let me know how costly it is because I wasn't wanting to pay much over a tenner for the frame itself!


Also, if I am in luck and it is still there, can someone let me know where exactly?


Cheers peeps - most kind x x x


Angel x

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Originally posted by angelgirluk

Hi Peeps


I have been told to go to Banners on Attercliffe to get a football shirt framed (well just buy the frame) but going on what you guys are saying here, it doesn't even exist anymore??


If this is true can anyone tell me of anywhere else that might do this and let me know how costly it is because I wasn't wanting to pay much over a tenner for the frame itself!


Also, if I am in luck and it is still there, can someone let me know where exactly?


Cheers peeps - most kind x x x


Angel x


No, Angelgirl, the store that was *called* Banners is no longer in existence, but the building is still there, used by a number of companies in small units inside the store.


To get to Banners, catch a 52 mainline or terrierbus, towards Woodhouse/Handsworth,


Get of at the bottom of Staniforth Road, and walk about 25 yards or so back down the hill to the main road and the traffic lights at the junction..


Turn right at the furniture store which is on the corner of Staniforth Road and the main road..


walk along Attercliffe Road /Attercliffe Common, past the Littlewoods catalogue clearance shop (used to be hitchens)and the banners store is the large white building on the very next corner, (I think it is now called "Banners Superstore" or something similar).


Alternatively the supertram to the attercliffe stop will drop you on the back of Chippenham street.


Walk down, towards your left as you face the industrial units, opposite the tramstop, and the road will bring you out on attercliffe road with Banners on your right, just on the corner.



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I lived in Darnall when I was a nipper, near the fire station. My mum always took us ont cliffe. I used to love goig in woolies and having a glass of orange out of the "chiller fountain" & then going to peerpoints for some fruit. We also used to go to the pavilion pictures I remember once we went and the fee to get in was a glass jar

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remember the Lyric at Darnall, One time I used to live on Darnall Road. Next door to the Baptist Church. I was 7yrs old then Used to go to Whitby Road School, Did crafts in the Outbuildings at Darnall Rd. School. Then I went to Waltheof when I was 11. I was the first pupil to walk through the doors a Waltheof, The first to get the cane for not polishing my shoes. Takes you back does it not.

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Old man Saxon. His office on the stairs, Everytime anyone was waiting outside they would be shaking wondering what for. We certainly had some sadistic teachers then. Remember Mr. Holland RE Teacher, I real bad guy, Fat an slovenly. Mr Grundy. I just about remember them all.

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Other teachers I remember are Mr Ellis (Bogie flicker), Miss Clark, Miss Swithern, Mr Albare I can even remember a couple of the dinner ladies - Mrs Myers.& Mrs Charlesworth. But the best thing about school then were Sports day and bottles of milk in the morning break.


Which house team was you in? I was in Cravens.


Do you remember the tuck shop and Dundee biscuits? They were huge

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Just wonderin on the off chance whether someone in this chat room could help me with some info about my Father, his brothers and sisters, Grandfather grandmother. Wood is the family name Grandparents married in 1905 and Thomas wood lived on Carbrook Street whilst his wife Mary Ellen (Ashton) sometimes called Nellie, lived on Fell Road.


The only information I have really is that at sometime the owned or ran a pub on attercliffe. The ended up at Tinsley sometime around 1948 (ish).


The had lots of Kids Boys - Tommy, John, Ernest, Arthur (died after Dunkirk), Billy, Girls - Nellie, Dorothy and others but not sure. I can't get details from any of them cos as far as I know they are all gone.


Ernest ( Dad) worked at Shepcote Lane rolling mills, as fork lift Trusk driver till he ran into the gatehouse, he didn't work after that due to disability.


Ernest would have been 80 this year so I guess I am clutching at a few straws. Still if anyone knows anything I would be grateful.


John Wood

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