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Anyone here from Attercliffe?


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There were two cinemas at Darnall in the 60's. The Lyric was over the top of Darnall Road walking up from Attercliffe - on the right hand side. The other one was called the Darnall Cinema - it was near the junction of Staniforth Road and Greenland Road and set back a ways. I think it became a furniture store at one point?


i remember--the one on staniforth road was known as the bug hut

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hi silverblade,yes i remember the ashworths of alfred road...lived oposite the hollow,where we all used to play football and cricket,,much to the dismay of the people who lived around the square...sammy ashworth went to school with me,but i have lost all contact with them...i can remember when the hollow had swings,and roundabouts ,,see,saws.and a small pavilion,(shed,to us dee,daas)

we had to cross it to get to school(newhall road)saint clements church was oposite the school..


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hi depoix..wow..wot a lot of memories you have stired up..i remember most of wot you say..the bit about russian edna,i was a young un then,but it all came back to me...by the way depoix,,can you remember ...THE DUKE OF DARNEL,,


i remember my mother talking about him,he wore white gloves,spatts and a top hat and used to direct the traffic down the cliffe and darnall :hihi:
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i remember my mother talking about him,he wore white gloves,spatts and a top hat and used to direct the traffic down the cliffe and darnall :hihi:


I remember the Duke of Darnall.When we used to go to the Lyric on Saturday morning we were scared to pass his house on Darnall main road.Many times when I went shopping with my mother we would see him either at Darnall terminous or at the bottom of Worksop Road directing the traffic.I often wonder what happened to him

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and here he is, the duke of darnall






there is a write up about him but the page wont copy and paste, if you want to see it, type duke of darnall into google images ..

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I was born in 1963, Lived at Goulder Terrace with my Mom Doreen & Dad Andy, They had the cafe for a while near the Royal Oak. I have a sister Beverly, we used to play with the Neil Family, Pam, Paul, Geoff, Michelle & Andrew.

I went to Carbrook County Junior School, Played in the derilict houses as well as the wreck, does anyone know Tracy Oats ? She lived in the Royal Oak....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have just found this forum and been reading through some of the messages. I was born in Attercliffe and lived in Ebury Street just off Newhall Road. We lived in the same yard as my Great Aunt and Uncle and most of the family lived nearby in Coleridge Road, Brompton Road, Swallow Street and more. My dad was a supervisor in the number one mill at Brown Bayleys which later became Hadfields and his dad worked there before him. We left the cliffe when I was 4 in 1971, but still went back for years after as we used to go to the 'Moulders' now the snooker club and meet with friends and family there. Have many happy memories despite only being young at the time. I've been looking into my family history for a couple of years now and some of the posts I've read talk of people who may be part of my family. I'm descended from the Rodgers family on my dad's side who moved to Attercliffe from Woodside Lane and my Grandma's relatives were Barkers, Liversidges and Hoylands who all hailed from Attercliffe and Darnall, with a hint of Cartwright and Coupland also included in the mix! I've had some problems finding out about my great Grandad and I'm hoping there might be somebody out there who can tell me something. My Great Grandad was Frank Shaw Barker who worked as a miner, possibly at Tinsley Park and I know he lived at 66 Surrey Road in 1948 which was the year he died aged 67. His wife was Sarah (originally Liversidge) who died in 1926 and she had previously been married to George Allsop Coupland and William Henry Cartwright (both died young in mining / quarrying accidents). What I haven't been able to fathom is how Sarah and her first two husbands came to buried in the grave of the John family who ran the Duke of York at Darnall. Anyway, I've gone on for long enough at the moment and need to get back to reading the posts, only 36 pages to go.

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hi.. nice to hear from you...i remember some of what you write about..but sorry i can,not help you in your seach for for more info..i am pleased to read how you have gone about finding out about your family..i am in the same position..we have gone back to 1806,but have drawn a blank now..so we are satisfied .!!

sorry i have been of no help to you..but if you want to keep in touch..please do...

best of luck...


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i was born on pelham street off alfred road..then moved to next street dane street..where i lived untill i married in 1960..i was born in 1938..so you can see i am an old bugger....!!but still interested in owt from sheffield..best of luck mate..


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