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Anyone here from Attercliffe?


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i was born on pelham street off alfred road..then moved to next street dane street..where i lived untill i married in 1960..i was born in 1938..so you can see i am an old bugger....!!but still interested in owt from sheffield..best of luck mate..



Thanks for your kind words. My Uncle (Dad's Sister's husband) was born on Alfred Road, his parents were Bill and May Shaw and I have some older relatives on mt Mum's side who lived on Newhall Road (the Lakin's) who had a grocer's shop, way before I entered the world though! On Mum's side I'm descended from the Humphries and Chamberlains who lived on Mons Street, Paget Street and Bright Street to name but a few. Still go down Attercliffe quite a bit on my way to work but lots of the old buildings gone now. Our back yard, outside toilet and all is underneath a factory unit called Eriks but Hemmings' garage is still there on Norman Street. The building that was once a pub on Alfred Road is still there near to Stevenson Road but hasn't seen a pint pulled for many a year. Sad really that most of it's gone but often find my mind wandering to years gone by as I drive Newhall Road past where we all once lived.

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hiya i know this is ages since u posted this on here.i used to knock about with mandy ducker for a while,i remember sue(if i remember rightly she couldnt straighten one of her hands.)shelly there was les ducker+at the time he used to go out with janet brown.i know theres a few more kids but my memory isnt that good.i used to live on chelmsford street,+in 1976 we moved to halfway.we used to knock about with kay chinn aswell,the chinns were related to the wrights.dont ask me how but my family are related to the wrights sum how.

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Hi all,


just found this forum and this thread stated by 'banksy'. I lived on Norman Street (just off top end of Newhall Road) from 56 until 72(when the terraced houses were all pulled down). Went to Maltby Street school then Park House. Lots of good memories, we were poor but so was everyone else and we all supported each other. I remember cold tin baths that were kept on the celler head, outside blocks of toilets lit by parrafin lights and heaters to stop the water freezing. Attercliffe baths kept me clean and I remeber the slipper baths upstairs that were always hot. The library was a place to meet and the 2 cinemas near me ( Adelphi and Pavillion). Does anyone remember the saturday morning kids cinema at the Pavillion where we all watched Zorro. Saw my first Bond film there and my first Tarzan and Hercules film at the Adelphi. At the end of the road where the adelphi was, there was a medical centre. We used to climb onto the roof and jump into the nearby graveyard to test our bravery (stupidity now I look back). We had 3 chippies near us on Newhall Road, always full and the scraps and fishcakes were great. On attercliffe road I remember Pierrpoints, the fresh fish shops, 2nd hand shops and in the late 60's and seventies the cafe at the top of Newhall road oppostite the paper shop(can't remember it's name but knew the owners well). My dad worked for Brown Baileys until the late seventies as a steam loco driver ( how great was that ) and he used to take me on the engine. I also recall Banners, fishing for sticklebacks on the cutt (canal) and making rafts. When the demolition started( 68 ish) the area started to decline as one by one friend and families left for council estates. We ended up in Parsons Cross. I shall never forget my upbringing! Barnsey

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Hi all,


just found this forum and this thread stated by 'banksy'. I lived on Norman Street (just off top end of Newhall Road) from 56 until 72(when the terraced houses were all pulled down). Went to Maltby Street school then Park House. Lots of good memories, we were poor but so was everyone else and we all supported each other. I remember cold tin baths that were kept on the celler head, outside blocks of toilets lit by parrafin lights and heaters to stop the water freezing. Attercliffe baths kept me clean and I remeber the slipper baths upstairs that were always hot. The library was a place to meet and the 2 cinemas near me ( Adelphi and Pavillion). Does anyone remember the saturday morning kids cinema at the Pavillion where we all watched Zorro. Saw my first Bond film there and my first Tarzan and Hercules film at the Adelphi. At the end of the road where the adelphi was, there was a medical centre. We used to climb onto the roof and jump into the nearby graveyard to test our bravery (stupidity now I look back). We had 3 chippies near us on Newhall Road, always full and the scraps and fishcakes were great. On attercliffe road I remember Pierrpoints, the fresh fish shops, 2nd hand shops and in the late 60's and seventies the cafe at the top of Newhall road oppostite the paper shop(can't remember it's name but knew the owners well). My dad worked for Brown Baileys until the late seventies as a steam loco driver ( how great was that ) and he used to take me on the engine. I also recall Banners, fishing for sticklebacks on the cutt (canal) and making rafts. When the demolition started( 68 ish) the area started to decline as one by one friend and families left for council estates. We ended up in Parsons Cross. I shall never forget my upbringing! Barnsey

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Welcome Aboard Barnsey, our paths must have crossed at some point :) I was born on Liverpool Street (my family living with my paternal grandparents) moved to our own house on Swallow St. Went to Maltby St & Park House, left Attercliffe (relocated to the Cross) in 72 & commuted to Park House from Parson Cross from 72 till I left school in 73 .....................

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Hi Barnsey..:wave: ..I must know you too. I lived opposite the end of Norman St and my Grandma lived in the yard at the end until she died in 68 and she had worked at the Adelphi.

I remember going to the Pav on a Saturday morning and one week I got to go in the projection room and turn on on the film.....

I agree with you about the fish and chips....Mon Wed and Fridays for one and Tues Thurs and Saturday for another....don't know about the third you mention though.

Oh and what about the pie shop....take your basin and get meat and potato pie.....

I left Newhall Rd when I married in 61 but went back occasionally until the houses came down.

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Hi all,


just found this forum and this thread stated by 'banksy'. I lived on Norman Street (just off top end of Newhall Road) from 56 until 72(when the terraced houses were all pulled down). Went to Maltby Street school then Park House. Lots of good memories, we were poor but so was everyone else and we all supported each other. I remember cold tin baths that were kept on the celler head, outside blocks of toilets lit by parrafin lights and heaters to stop the water freezing. Attercliffe baths kept me clean and I remeber the slipper baths upstairs that were always hot. The library was a place to meet and the 2 cinemas near me ( Adelphi and Pavillion). Does anyone remember the saturday morning kids cinema at the Pavillion where we all watched Zorro. Saw my first Bond film there and my first Tarzan and Hercules film at the Adelphi. At the end of the road where the adelphi was, there was a medical centre. We used to climb onto the roof and jump into the nearby graveyard to test our bravery (stupidity now I look back). We had 3 chippies near us on Newhall Road, always full and the scraps and fishcakes were great. On attercliffe road I remember Pierrpoints, the fresh fish shops, 2nd hand shops and in the late 60's and seventies the cafe at the top of Newhall road oppostite the paper shop(can't remember it's name but knew the owners well). My dad worked for Brown Baileys until the late seventies as a steam loco driver ( how great was that ) and he used to take me on the engine. I also recall Banners, fishing for sticklebacks on the cutt (canal) and making rafts. When the demolition started( 68 ish) the area started to decline as one by one friend and families left for council estates. We ended up in Parsons Cross. I shall never forget my upbringing! Barnsey


Do you have any pictures of Brown Bayleys as I worked there from 1963-1970 ,that you could please send to stuartb47@yahoo.com Thanks

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