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Anyone here from Attercliffe?


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HI shentalls also had a branch at the corner of belmoor rd and a/cliffe comm.

Dee40, that's right, Shentalls were one of the early "self-service" "super" markets, that came about, from the '50's onwards


Shentalls had a chain of shops across Sheffield, (Not sure if they were further afield)


There was a Shentalls on "The Pavement", (the shopping centre on Park Hill)


There was also a Shentalls on the parade of shops at the back of the John o'Gaunt Pub, on the Gleadless Valley, and the one on the 'Cliffe....


I am sure there were more, but, as I was only a child when "Fine Fare" took them over, I can't remember where else the shops were, if any.


Can anyone else remember where there were other branches of Shentalls, please?



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Hi Gethro. Norma married my cousin Billy Pearson who lived across the road from Norma on Titterton Street. Your Marge would know my family I bet - my auntie and gran lived in the same yard as Norma, Bet Hartley and then there was the Shepherds who had Kath, Robert, John and Tracey nxt door to Norma and Mr and Mrs Richards next door to them who had Janet and Carol. We lived in yard opposite Normas - our name was Haywood, I'm Margaret and my sister Julie. My cousin Billy Pearson who married Norma lived in next yard to us. We used to look over our back yard wall into the back of the shops on Worksop Road!! With Cutlers on the corner, a few shops round there was a grocers shop - Jimstons or something, then there was Foxes shop at the end of that row. We used to play on that small wall around the Cutlers and used to have chips and scraps from the chip shop on the corner. My husbands granddad was Tom Freeman coal man who was a right old character! We used to go to sunday school at Atterclife Church and I can remember drawing pictures!!! WMy mother used to send me to Burgins on the corner of worksop road and attercliffe road where the snooker hall used to be upstairs = think it was Boots chemist at one bit and then a restaurant. Used to go every sunday afternoon to a sweet shop just before you got to Globe picture house - think it was called chocloate box. Went to Attercliffe Baths too and the library - that was an awesome place! I remember the horse rough at the bottom of Leeds Road (I think)outside baths and a police box. And we used to go to Jennings bottom of staniforth road for pink paraffin for paraffin lamp (round metal dish type thing with a white mesh middle that lit up!! Aye.... I could go on all day.... yes - could write a book!!

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Hi Tangerine, I knew Biiy Pearson when he married Norma, he worked at the garage on Old Hall Rd,. Maurice, Marge"s brother, allso worked there. Another workmate of theirs was Colin Fowler. Havn"t seen Billy or Norma,for many, many years,(to many,!!!) but did bump into Colin a few years ago in the Lib"s club, Maurice & his wife were with us that night,so he was over the moon to see Colin again,after so many years. Maurice now lives at Aston, but still sees another one of their old "Cliff"e" workmates, Jimmy Green, they do a bit of walking out in Derbyshire now and again. Norma"s dad, Danny, was a good singer in the Cutler"s . Had some brilliant nights in there,. Don"t do nights like that anymore,!!!. Happy days,""".

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Hi Gethro. Norma married my cousin Billy Pearson who lived across the road from Norma on Titterton Street. Your Marge would know my family I bet - my auntie and gran lived in the same yard as Norma, Bet Hartley and then there was the Shepherds who had Kath, Robert, John and Tracey nxt door to Norma and Mr and Mrs Richards next door to them who had Janet and Carol. We lived in yard opposite Normas - our name was Haywood, I'm Margaret and my sister Julie. My cousin Billy Pearson who married Norma lived in next yard to us. We used to look over our back yard wall into the back of the shops on Worksop Road!! With Cutlers on the corner, a few shops round there was a grocers shop - Jimstons or something, then there was Foxes shop at the end of that row. We used to play on that small wall around the Cutlers and used to have chips and scraps from the chip shop on the corner. My husbands granddad was Tom Freeman coal man who was a right old character! We used to go to sunday school at Atterclife Church and I can remember drawing pictures!!! WMy mother used to send me to Burgins on the corner of worksop road and attercliffe road where the snooker hall used to be upstairs = think it was Boots chemist at one bit and then a restaurant. Used to go every sunday afternoon to a sweet shop just before you got to Globe picture house - think it was called chocloate box. Went to Attercliffe Baths too and the library - that was an awesome place! I remember the horse rough at the bottom of Leeds Road (I think)outside baths and a police box. And we used to go to Jennings bottom of staniforth road for pink paraffin for paraffin lamp (round metal dish type thing with a white mesh middle that lit up!! Aye.... I could go on all day.... yes - could write a book!!


I went to the Globe cinema many times as a young child. The sweetshop next to it was often calles Sam's. Did you every go to the Adelphi a bit farther up the Cliff ? The Regal was populer too on Staniforth Road.

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Hello,My family name is Fretwell and I spent my school days at maltby st county school I was there 1950 to 1960s,there was 5 members of our family in a 2 up 2 down and we loved it,at weekends I and my friends would walk to tinsley park woods and play there all day till it went dark nobody worried,a lot of great memories of attercliffe,used to go to attercliffe baths every fri teatime for a bath they cleaned the bath with some pink cream inbetween uses,what about the living statues at the I think it was the empire.

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I also used to climb onto the roof and jump into the nearby graveyard what a big grave yard used to play in there for hours . Used to go to the pea & pie shop for a fag & 2 machtes before catching the bus to school (park house).

Do you remember whitsun when we all had new colthes and we used to go round to everyones house and they would give us money.

And all the men would walk behind big banners I think we used to walk to high hazels park.

And then we had a day out with the working mens club to the seaside we would all get on the coach and they would give us crips and pop on the way home. My dad used to go to a working mens club down the bottom of prince of wales rd & one the back of swiming baths used to be a used car lot on the corner

Dad was a swing grinder and mum used to take in wash & ironing & do cleaning . do you rember the old wash house the room on the side with a green wall if I was lucky mum would have a bit of chalk for me so I could write on the wall used to send hours there.

Thought Joe Emmens was at the bottom of brompton rd?

Speak soon P


hello ,I lived on Maltby st at the end of brompton rd was a scrap merchant I think called Stanleys they were well of they had posh motors a station wagon and horse box in matching livery used to see them when we going past whe we were playing mabs on the cobbeld st ,happy days

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I was only a young kid at the time, but my parents knew May Antcliffe and her husband (can't remember his first name).


May was the sister of a long term neighbour of ours on Westbury Street. Her name was Ceena (Sp?) Steele, her husband's name was Fred. Their mother lived in the same yard as Mrs Steele, I always knew her as Grandma Antcliffe.

I was born in 1944 and lived at 111 Westbury Street until 1958/9.


Our name is Jackson, my mum and dad were Lily and George.


I live in Canada now, near Toronto.


Ken Jackson

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