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Anyone here from Attercliffe?


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Cheers Brooksie. I have just noticed you found it. Well, It shows just how easy it is to wind people up on the net. It also proves that we can be who we want to be in a forum. At the moment I have a housefull all drunk and merry. But enjoying themselves. As I said I do not believe in Christmas but I wish all the best to all those that do. I have friends that are not on the net. They were surprised just how easy it was to upset people on the forum.


Merry Christmas Brooksie

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happy new year to you all. does anyone remember what they called a large cloths shop between banners and hitchens, ive been racking my brains but cant remember. i seem to remember it selling gents suits and had a island display area as you came in of attercliffe rd , cheers.

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My husband went to Whitby Road School and remembers "old man Holland" he used to rain down lumps of chalk on the class while shouting " you lot of closets" and Pop Golledge's walking stick cane, he used to get more leverage by raising his right leg along with the cane and slamming them both down together, quite a technique.

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Big fat Mr. Holland, Spat when he spoke. Made you stand on a chair. He was supposed to be the RE teacher. He did not have a spark of christianity in him. I cannot say too much about this man on the forum. Grundy was also another ...

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bit off topic i no but when iattended waltheof in the 70s the dept head was called matt . is name was marshall and he always reminded me of hitler, anyone remember him. im sure some of the attercliffe folk will because most went to waltheof or beaverhill.

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What a nasty creature. Had he still been a teacher now he would be facing prosecution. He would wait round corners just to catch anyone breaking the rules. When Waltheof first opened our class was the first to enter the school. If he caught us walking on the wrong side of the corridor, well woe betide. I once bumped into him some years after leaving school. I was in the army then. He was having a drink with old man Grundy in a pub at Darnall. I will not say what I did, It was not violent but I really showed him up.

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He was a massachist that man. When was the re-union. I got a little upset when the school was set on fire. When did you attend Waltheof. As I mentioned I was one of the first to enter there from Whitby Road. At that time I lived on Darnall Road. Then we moved to Attercliffe, I lived on the corner where the Nick Shop is now. My Uncle had the Swap Shop. After the Gales we moved to Weedon St.

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