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Anyone here from Attercliffe?


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Someone will have to draw me a map. Where did Paget Street and Alfred Road meet?

I always thought they ran parallel, and didn't meet (and I lived on Paget Street). Wasn't the Co-Op on Alfred Road, just below Fell Street? I know there was a short street (I can't remember the name) alongside the Co-Op, then the next street up was Fell Street?

The only shop I can remember on Paget Street was Cousins, on the corner of P St and Sanderson Street --we used to get lovely penny cakes from that shop. The man Cousins was an athlete and ran in the Doncaster to Sheffield Marathon every year.

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As far as I remember....Paget st came across from another road that ran parallel with Alfred road....the front of the co op was on Alfred rd while the back yard of the co op came out onto the end of Paget st.....sort of L shaped...I have a map of Sheffield, but can I find it :huh: course not.:rolleyes:

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Joan, Are you thinking of Pelham Street?

I am..:blush:

Ive just been into town and as soon as I got settled on the bus this thought flashed into my mind.....Grandma lived on both Pelham and Paget streets....the earlier part was in the co op yard......

Sorry, I still havent found the map, but I'm sure you're right......Made a New Years resolution not to post on stuff that I THINK I know....only ones I am CERTAIN I know....soon broke that one didn't I?

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Joan, as an old relative of mine used to say "Let not your heart be troubled"! There's nobody worse than me when it comes to rushing to write something and then finding I've got it all wrong!

I am, however, fascinated by people's memories of growing up in the Newhall area in the 1940s, when old Jerry Bronks was the school headmaster, and dear old Rosie Skillington kept the beer-off on Alfred Road. I left the area for good when I was about 14, and some people from down there often say that I was never really one of them. But they've got it all wrong. Of all the places I lived in my early days, Newhall and the East End in general was the one that meant the most!

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Well I went to Maltby st..but lived on Newhall Road and would walk down to my grandmas at least once a week. My other grandad had a shop selling government surplus stuff and we had a field telephone connected from our house to the other side of the yard to their house. My brother and me also had a pedal car that my dad had put some kind of motor in which we used to go down to Pelham/Paget street in. He fitted a rigid bar on it so he could hold the other end of course. :hihi:

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good on yer redfyre,with mems like that, ya got to be one one of the newhall gang..lold bronks used to frieten me to death,,..just to se him walking down the hall to the big desk in the middle, with the big bell.wich was sounded every hour(remember)roll on 4,o clock..and miss guest,having a crafty drag(woodbine)behind the blackboard..with one of us keeping an eye out for you know whoo(bronks)remember running up to rosies many atime,for a blue gillet for mi dad,....you sure have brought back a lot of mems.....keep em coming,,!!!!

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