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Anyone here from Attercliffe?


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sorry cll23,but those names dont ring a bell.the only joss wild i can think of used to live on pelham street..he was unfortuneltly a cripple...had difficulty walking..but was a great bloke,,......

hi sorry it is pelham street they was of that was my uncle joss u on bout he died bless him 2years ago

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does anyone remember langtons shoe tactory on westbury st. my aunty rita worked there.it was nearly all women at break time they would all come out into the yard it was like playtime in the schoolyard.
Hi ,I remember Langtons shoe factory Westbury st ,used to live at 57 Westbury st,left in 1950, does anyone have a photo of this street?,did anyone on the forum go to this streets d day party?,I have a photo of it.
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My aunt was born in Attercliffe WAY back in 1884. Her address was 14 Bowen Street.

I wonder if anything exists at that address anymore. I would love to visit Sheffield sometime.


Hi I lived down atterciffe 16yrs 60s70s and do not recall Bowen st, looked in my old A to Z of area which goes back to 1900s, no bowen st,only bowen rd and bowen dri but they are in rotherham.sure its bowen st,looked and cannot see anythink close,maybe one of oldies on here can shed some light.

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Hi Susan


I was born in May so I was in the same year as you, I remember Diane, Martin and David and some more names are Janet Palmer, Pat Turner, Susan Johnson, Rita Pearson. Christine Vavjenak, Elaine Kania, Margaret Briggs, Andrea Thompson and Elaine Warren, Trevor Morris and Ian Willetts. You went on to Pipworth Road but I went on to Beaver Hill so you wouldn't know some of the names I mentioned previously.


I am Rosemarie Hadi (or Rose), I am half arab so you may remember me by my black curly hair and I was very skinny (although you wouldn't believe it now), I have four brothers and the one next to me was Joseph who was in the year below us, does this ring any bells. The school put on a musical and I played the queen in 'The Marquis of Carabass', Melvyn Howe played the king and Janet Palmer played the princess.


Hi Rosemarie


Sorry it's been a few days since I last contacted you. You know, I don't remember your black curly hair at all but then it is over 50 years ago! I've found the photo I referred to earlier and I don't think you are on it. I remember the names Rita Pearson, Trevor Morris, Ian Willetts and Christine Vavjenak - which I think was spelt something like Wawzyniak. In fact I sat next to Christine at one point. Here are the names of some of the people I remember from the photo - you'll have to let me know if they mean anything to you. Here goes then - Linda Gibson, Geoffrey Harding (?), Jill Turner, Anne Carey, Joyce Simmonite, Hazel Armstrong, Diane Wheatley, Stephen Capill and John Whiteley. I also remember someone called Brenda Marriott because she went to the City Grammar school from Woodbourn Road but she isn't on the photograph either. I wonder if there were two classes for our age group - I can't remember. It really is good to be able to think back over half a century.

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Hi Rosemarie


Sorry it's been a few days since I last contacted you. You know, I don't remember your black curly hair at all but then it is over 50 years ago! I've found the photo I referred to earlier and I don't think you are on it. I remember the names Rita Pearson, Trevor Morris, Ian Willetts and Christine Vavjenak - which I think was spelt something like Wawzyniak. In fact I sat next to Christine at one point. Here are the names of some of the people I remember from the photo - you'll have to let me know if they mean anything to you. Here goes then - Linda Gibson, Geoffrey Harding (?), Jill Turner, Anne Carey, Joyce Simmonite, Hazel Armstrong, Diane Wheatley, Stephen Capill and John Whiteley. I also remember someone called Brenda Marriott because she went to the City Grammar school from Woodbourn Road but she isn't on the photograph either. I wonder if there were two classes for our age group - I can't remember. It really is good to be able to think back over half a century.


Hi Susan


Its so strange listening to those names again, I remember everyone that you mentioned. I particularly remember Anne Carey because she was picked on quite a bit. This was definitely my year so I can't think why I wasn't on the photo. Do you ever remember going on a school holiday to London, we stayed in a youth hostel and slept in bunk beds? I can remember Anne Carey sleeping on the top bunk above the teacher.


If you sat next to Christine Wawzyniak (you're right about the spelling) we were definitely in the same year. I used to walk home with her after school along with Janet Palmer because we all lived on the same route.


A couple of weeks ago whilst in Crystal Peaks with my mun I was stopped by a man who I had noticed was looking at me and it was Trevor Morris, he remembered me from all those years and it wasn't until I really looked at him that I recognized him. He was actually a friend of my brother Joseph and he gave me his number to pass on to Joe so they could meet and talk about old times.


Can any of this jog your memory Susan, I hope so.





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Hi cliffys,any one remember going in old attercliffe conservative club 60s/70s we used to go in for snooker,and at election time someone put a labour poster up in snooker room window, committee was not happy ,I am sure there was a mens only room as you walked in on r/handside with its own bar,Bit of a novelty untill you saw the miniskirts walking down to disco at broughton,guess which one won,allways been a sucker.for short skirts and stilettos and that was just the men,can`t see many men dressed like that going in broughton,apart from mighty melvin, anybody see him perform at the enfield we egged him on to strip fully one night he said by law he could not do it, but he did.Anybody know what happened to him.Good laugh cheap beer.

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