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Anyone here from Attercliffe?


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hi babsy do you have a link for that photo my grategrand parents lived on westbury st jinnie and colin wood ,my aunt and uncle jessie and bill baker my uncle harry wood my nan and grandad elsie and harry oldman ,aunty barbara baker all from first or second yard up on right hand side from what i remember

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It seems that quite a few people have lived on Cottingham Street in the past. Having recently been to look, it appears that all the houses have now gone.


I was born to 152 Cottingingham Street in 1938 and I know that we were "bombed out" during the Sheffield Blitz. I have no recollection of what the area was like and would really appreciate some details. What were the houses like? Were they back-to-back? Were they four to a yard? Did they have front and back doors?


Obviously the houses were rebuilt as people have lived there since. Did anyone actually occupy number 152 since the rebuild? Has anyone got any photos of the street?


Any information will be much appreciated.

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It seems that quite a few people have lived on Cottingham Street in the past. Having recently been to look, it appears that all the houses have now gone.


I was born to 152 Cottingingham Street in 1938 and I know that we were "bombed out" during the Sheffield Blitz. I have no recollection of what the area was like and would really appreciate some details. What were the houses like? Were they back-to-back? Were they four to a yard? Did they have front and back doors?


Obviously the houses were rebuilt as people have lived there since. Did anyone actually occupy number 152 since the rebuild? Has anyone got any photos of the street?


Any information will be much appreciated.




I was born in 141 Cottingham Street in 1954, our house had a small yard just for our house, the yard had a coal house, an outside toilet and another outhouse (I think). There was a gennel running between the yards on Cottingham Street and Westbury Street. The houses further down towards Staniforth Road had four or more houses in them.

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hi was on this site for hours last night called my mum today she remembers the gas ballon near ,langtons in there yard lived rosey hinds alice todd hazel and raymond todd mrs young and her daughter jean think sons name was arnold and mr wasdin she can remember styrings mrs gilfrees shop on corner of westbury street and staniforth road marys fruit shop opposite side was a beer off where you could go with a jug and get a pint of beer to take home ,shop called marshalls on corner of woodburn road,jennings iron mongers,she remembers street party but can not remember if it was end of war or coranation she going to look for the photos so i can post them all the tables were in westbury street going along the road ,my mum said my grate grandad would not give my nan away because my granddad came off savile street and he did not approve of people off there (snob or what)

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my mum says that my grategranparents live in chelford street during the war their house was blown up my nan was in it at time was sent flying thru the air ended up under kitchen door thats what saved her they was rehouse in westbury street,she remembers coal man and his hourse if my grandad had been on nights she had to tell coal man he could not deliver and he used to come back later ,would they do that now ?

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Hi Susan


Although I remember the Bulldog pub I don't remember the dancing session there. Perhaps if you left the school in 1959 you may not remember me as we would have only been 8 years old and I went on to Woodbourne Road Juniors. I certainly remember your name but I just can't place your face. It would be nice to see the photo if you could put it on forum. Do you see any of the old pupils at all?, I often see Diane Cooper off Roundel Street, she had the most beautiful long, naturally blond hair.




Rose Hadi


Hi Rose


Diane Cooper doesn't ring a bell but Diane Stewart does. She lived at the top of Worthing Road and I played with her a lot. I don't think she is on the photo either. The only person I kept in touch with was a girl called Andrea Cook - married name Powell. She was the eldest of four and had a brother called Alan and a sister called Julie. I even went to her wedding but we lost touch. Then out of the blue, many years later, we met up again at Slimming World! We exchanged Christmas cards thereafter. I then found out by chance that she had died of pancreatic cancer - this was just over 2 years ago. She hadn't mentioned that she was ill in her last card. I went to the funeral at Handsworth church and it was standing room only. Lots of Beatles songs were played and it was a very moving ceremony.





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Anyone remember any Loomes or Antcliffe families from Roundel Street.
my uncle jack hepplestone married annie antcliffe know they divorced but if memory serves me right they got back together years later,don't think they remarried though both passed away now.he came from alfred rd then the hepplestone family moved to balfour rd darnall.think annie had a son .don't know if its the same antcliffe your looking for they'd both be in their nineties.:thumbsup:
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Hi Rose


Diane Cooper doesn't ring a bell but Diane Stewart does. She lived at the top of Worthing Road and I played with her a lot. I don't think she is on the photo either. The only person I kept in touch with was a girl called Andrea Cook - married name Powell. She was the eldest of four and had a brother called Alan and a sister called Julie. I even went to her wedding but we lost touch. Then out of the blue, many years later, we met up again at Slimming World! We exchanged Christmas cards thereafter. I then found out by chance that she had died of pancreatic cancer - this was just over 2 years ago. She hadn't mentioned that she was ill in her last card. I went to the funeral at Handsworth church and it was standing room only. Lots of Beatles songs were played and it was a very moving ceremony.


Regards sue




Hi Sue


It was actually Eileen Cooper (not Diane), my mistake. However I remember Diane Stewart, we met up at a party about five years ago which was held by Janet Palmer's parents for their wedding anniversary, Diane and Janet were childhood friends.


I remember Andrea Cook and I am sorry to hear that she has passed away, even after not seeing people for all those years it is still upsetting to hear news like this.


Do you remember learning 'Marion Richardson Script' in school, I remember all the class being provided with a Marion Richardson pen which had a square type nib which was dipped in ink. Its strange how some memories seem to stick out in your mind.





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Talking about picture palaces. What happened to the Globe and the Pavilion? There was one on Staniforth Road who's name I forget. But for a night out nowt beat the old Palace theatre with live entertainment.





My mom worked at the Globe,Pavillion and the Adelphie in the 60s . Her name was Dora Ball.

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