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Anyone here from Attercliffe?


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can remember when my hubby was at BBs in the 60s but they climbed the wall into white harts back yard,heard somewhere its a listed building thats why its never been knocked down can't swear to it though.thats where we learnt how to drink.


They did have a ladder so that you could climb up it and jump into Brown Bayleys.I used it to return one Saturday afternoon and with my usual ineptitude almost landed on my foreman!!!!

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does anyone know james arthur yates of alfred rd he lived opposite the rag and bone yard with his stepfather charlie wright and stepsister annie he died when i was young so any info would be appreciated i know he was a boxer also he had a fruit barrow.also my grandfather kept goats in the back yard does anything jog any memories

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I was born in 141 Cottingham Street in 1954, our house had a small yard just for our house, the yard had a coal house, an outside toilet and another outhouse (I think). There was a gennel running between the yards on Cottingham Street and Westbury Street. The houses further down towards Staniforth Road had four or more houses in them.

Thanks for this information. It's interesting that you mentioned a gennel as I have a very feint memory of being pushed in a pram, or something, by two girls, along a cobbled alleway.

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Hi Gethro/ Just read your post here. I remember Brian and Ray - my brother Tony Redfearn used to hang out with both of them. Ray's younger brother, was it Richard? used to be a buddy of mine I also have an eldest brother Jack they would remember. We used to live at number 35 from the early 50's until the mid 60's. What was your wife's maiden name? They must have lived up by what used to be Battistes shop at the Huntsmans Gardens end of the street - across from the Richardsons who lived on the corner. Different times back then..

Hi, My name is Rob Bodfield. I'm Brian Bodfield's son. I mentioned I saw your post to dad. what's your real name?

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Mick Redfearn. I remember your dad used to hang out with my older brother Tony. I think he used to live in the same yard as the Browns who owned the little shop right in the middle of Beall St? Unfortunately Tony passed away from a heart problem in 2007. Jack is still going strong - he moved to Australia around 1960. Ask your dad what he knows about anyone else on the street at that time and pass it on here? I've lived in British Columbia Canada since 1974. Thanks for the response Rob.

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Hi baza.123

Just seen your post re someone on pelham street who had difficulty walking.I went to a special school at arbourthorne with a lad called johnny allsop around 1949.could it be the same person? Prior to that about 1944, my parents, kate and allen green had a chipshop on the corner of I think windmill st and don road and my grandparents lived on don road

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Hi Rose


Nope, the "Marian Richardson Script " means nothing to me so that must have been after I left in 1959. Also wanted to let you know that I've managed to post the school photo but it's in the " History and Expats " section under " Woodburn School ". Take a look and let me know if you're on it. Are you the girl with ringlets stood in the third row back by any chance ? Let me know if there are any names you remember that we haven't already mentioned.







Hi Sue


It was actually Eileen Cooper (not Diane), my mistake. However I remember Diane Stewart, we met up at a party about five years ago which was held by Janet Palmer's parents for their wedding anniversary, Diane and Janet were childhood friends.


I remember Andrea Cook and I am sorry to hear that she has passed away, even after not seeing people for all those years it is still upsetting to hear news like this.


Do you remember learning 'Marion Richardson Script' in school, I remember all the class being provided with a Marion Richardson pen which had a square type nib which was dipped in ink. Its strange how some memories seem to stick out in your mind.





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I've just had a look at the picture you've put on Woodbourn Road section. The boy on the front row on the right is John Whiteley, also on the pic I recognise Ian Willetts, John Newall, Dave Parkin and Margaret Briggs. I will tell our John to have a look at this, hopefully he will remember more people.

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Hi Rose


Nope, the "Marian Richardson Script " means nothing to me so that must have been after I left in 1959. Also wanted to let you know that I've managed to post the school photo but it's in the " History and Expats " section under " Woodburn School ". Take a look and let me know if you're on it. Are you the girl with ringlets stood in the third row back by any chance ? Let me know if there are any names you remember that we haven't already mentioned.






Hi Sue


Thanks for the photo although I am not on it. I too recognize some of the faces, Ian Willets (he used to bully me using a big Alsatian dog called

Rebel), John Whitely, Margaret Briggs (she hasn't changed) and I think Eileen Cooper is on the far right of the back row? Looking at this photo brought a tear to my eye remembering the room and the so young classmates.


Take Care



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