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Anyone here from Attercliffe?


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Hi There, I find the topic on Attercliffe great. I spent a lot of my early child hood there and then went back in my teans., I lived on Westbury St. and they used to have the anual fair and merrygo rounds there. Used to go to High Hazels Park and attend the Darnall Medical /aid parade. Dancing at the Astoria and yes John Banners was a good shop, and the little pie shop outside Attercliffe Baths. My Grandparents were all born on Alfred Road I think the name was Fulwood and Pope. Great memories these


Regards vera p..s. Anyone remember Huntsmans Garden School

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was talking 2 a man called ron snoud the other day in the attercliff liberal club a reel gent always turned out in immaculate suits and ties. he was telling me that years ago you cudnt walk up and down attercliff and have half a beer in every pub because there were 2 many and u would have been drunk. were there that many pubs, i grew up down there but cant recall there being that many

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Talking about picture palaces. What happened to the Globe and the Pavilion? There was one on Staniforth Road who's name I forget. But for a night out nowt beat the old Palace theatre with live entertainment.

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Originally posted by buck

Talking about picture palaces. What happened to the Globe and the Pavilion? There was one on Staniforth Road who's name I forget. But for a night out nowt beat the old Palace theatre with live entertainment.

i went attercliffe palace every friday night when i was courting

the reason was i had to book to seats for the adelfe

saturday night

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I know that most of us that post here are shall we say in our prime and that "in our day" it seemed ok to use terms such as "nig nog" but I really do think that we now understand that that sort of name calling is unnecessary and very offensive.

I was born and brought up in Attercliffe and my Mom often used to take me to the Globe and Pavillion. I remember the times we went to see the hollywood musicals and how much my Mom loved them .Both of these cinemas were taken over and used only for Indian films but if this had not happened they would have had to close down because they were not getting the bums on seats for the mainstream films. Nothing stays the same for very ever, only our memories and even they fade.

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dear kiwi how many moons is it since you lived in beall st?


my husband was born at home on beall st. in 1951,and moved to aust. in 1963and returned in 1968 and lived there untill the st. was demolished.


he went to huntsmans garden school, and would love to hear more about memories of attercliffe

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just a thought my husband gary worked at banners does anyone out there remember the dinner and dance ,is there anyone who worked there that can bring back a few of the old names.


banners closed in 1980,but a few of the staff stayed to clear the shop,were you one of them.

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