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Anyone here from Attercliffe?


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[Hey Old timer. Very interesting letter there from you. I remember all of that. The skating rink with with that that long strip you talked of i spent many hours in there on my bum It was known as The Mugs ally) remember] I left the Uk in 1963 for Aussie

Regards vera

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Originally posted by buck

Hello Oldtimer! I must say I got to be pretty good on skates and used to go down that little training area and race round it just to show off. It stood me in good stead when I lived in Montreal where I transferred to ice skates and did a lot of reffing for the kids on the outdoor rinks. I'd done a bit of figure skating in Attercliffe but in Canada that was considered a bit efffeminate so quit. I went to Attercliffe rink a few years before you, just as WW2 was finishing, and finally broke my arm in a fall, so changed over to bike racing instead where I only broke my front teeth.

I don't remember that building you spoke about. I spent 9 years in Canada mostly in Quebec, and a year in Newfie, life in Quebec got too complicated with the government insisting that my English kid had to be taught only in French, so came down to the "evil empire". I miss Canada, perhaps the only civilised country left on earth.

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Originally posted by buck

Sorry Kiwi, I fprgot the only other civilised place on earth. I've been to your big obnoxious neighbour, but never to NZ. Always scared down there of falling off. That couldn't happen to Canada.

Dont be too hard on our obnoxious neighbours across the ditch Buck they are always good to have a laugh at oops l mean with

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Originally posted by brooksy

does any one remember pierpoints green grocers on attercliffe , my aunt worked there and as a kid it always seemed very busy. suppose most of attercliffe was like this at that time , happy days.



I remember it. Opposite the bottom of Staniforth Rd. or Shirland Lane, next to a bank I think. It was set back a bit from the building line and had a display area outside the shop. Used to go down Attercliffe quite a bit in my teens (1950s) to browse in the swop-shops. In those days Attercliffe seemed to be all shops and pubs from Broughton Lane up to Staniforth Road.


BTW - I used to work with a lad called Brooks, I think he said he was born in a house on Woodbine Road, and I knew a few people came off Alfred Road etc. and got moved to Shiregreen. They all seemed to migrate to Firth Park cub :D

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