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Anyone here from Attercliffe?


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thanks for your post greybeard. you are right my dad ken brooks lived on woodbine rd and then moved 2 chelmsford st where we grew up. he worked all is working life in various steelworks in sheffield. my moms family came of don rd and were called brand, also i have family of atercliffe called tuckwood and roberts.

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Hi Brooksy,


We were sort of mates for a while, your Dad and me, - did the same job at Alloy Steel Rods on different shifts, but I often had to sub as furnaceman so we'd end up on the same shift. He used to drop me off home, or after the morning shift we'd go up to Shiregreen club for a game of snooker and a few jars. A nice quiet, gentle bloke, but a wicked sense of humour with people who took themselves and life too seriously....used to wind them up something rotten - me included :D


Is he still around ?

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no greybeard he died in 1991 off cancer, my mom died in march 1991 and ken died in october. i still see some of his mates from alloy steel rods, graham parkin and roy canistor. i used 2 go in attercliff libs and play snooker with him on a friday night and he always tryd 2 talk me out of my shot. nice 2 her from one of his work mates . im assuming your retired now do you go on the cliff much socially, theres still a lot of old timers in the libs who come of alford rd and that area.

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Sorry to hear you lost both your parents that way and so close together Brooksy, it must have been a bleak time for you.


I'm semi-retired, still have a little part time job to supplement my works pension but draw my OAP next year....counting my blessings too !


Haven't been down the Cliffe socially for years...but I was trying to remember some names from the Alfred Rd area the other night and came up with three. Sid Weston, Brian Barker and Billy Flynn. I do remember Graham Parkin, - can't put a face to the other one, but I left ASR in 1980.


I thought the Attercliffe Libs had closed ? - I'm thinking of the club opposite the bottom of Woodbourne Rd. There used to be another club around there next to the swimming baths but can't remember what it was called.

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Originally posted by Greybeard

Sorry to hear you lost both your parents that way and so close together Brooksy, it must have been a bleak time for you.


I'm semi-retired, still have a little part time job to supplement my works pension but draw my OAP next year....counting my blessings too !


Haven't been down the Cliffe socially for years...but I was trying to remember some names from the Alfred Rd area the other night and came up with three. Sid Weston, Brian Barker and Billy Flynn. I do remember Graham Parkin, - can't put a face to the other one, but I left ASR in 1980.


I thought the Attercliffe Libs had closed ? - I'm thinking of the club opposite the bottom of Woodbourne Rd. There used to be another club around there next to the swimming baths but can't remember what it was called.


was it called the aqua duct but everyone one called it akkerdock....now there's one there called the victory club i think

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Quoted by Greybeard; I thought the Attercliffe Libs had closed ? - I'm thinking of the club opposite the bottom of Woodbourne Rd. There used to be another club around there next to the swimming baths but can't remember what it was called.




The club opposite the junction of Woodbourne Road was the "Radicals" (Roundel Street). Still standing but sadly derelict and boarded up.


The Attercliffe Libs. is still going strong, its a little bit higher up than the baths on the corner of Beverley Street. Could this be the one that you remember?

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Thanks Pietro, ... that's the one I was thinking of. Never actually been in that club as we used to end up in the Non-Pots or a Wards pub I can't remember the name of just a few yards down the road. [not the Robin Hood]


The Midland, another Wards pub on Alfred Rd, was quite popular with the ASR lads too. Wards beer wasn't too bad once you got used to the smell of Porter Brook water :D

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