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DWP to shut 68 Jobcentres across Britain with 750 jobs at risk

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Heard through the grape wine that they are preparing to close all job centres eventually now the majority is online and can search for jobs that way. They are going to scrap Job seekers allowance all together as getting an allowance for looking for a job and linking it to things like housing benefit is a bit silly really. They plan to put the money saved to introduce a universal income with no sanctions because they understand people who want to work will always try and work and the people that don't for whatever reason will given the space to sort their problems out without threat of sanction. They understand many who are forced to the job centre shouldn't be there in the first place and sanctions can cause all sorts of problems and increase crime rate and can even end up on the street when people are placed in desperate situations. They want all the unemployed to be strong and stable so this is a move to hopefully create that situation, creating a stronger and better Britain.

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Jobcentres, aaaahhh, that takes me back; circa 99/2000, black dude with dreadlocks behind the desk at Hillsborough barracks jobcentre giving me a hard time every time I went to sign on, talking to me like I was a piece of dirt on his shoe!


If he's still there I won't shed a tear for him.

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Heard through the grape wine that they are preparing to close all job centres eventually now the majority is online and can search for jobs that way. They are going to scrap Job seekers allowance all together as getting an allowance for looking for a job and linking it to things like housing benefit is a bit silly really. They plan to put the money saved to introduce a universal income with no sanctions because they understand people who want to work will always try and work and the people that don't for whatever reason will given the space to sort their problems out without threat of sanction. They understand many who are forced to the job centre shouldn't be there in the first place and sanctions can cause all sorts of problems and increase crime rate and can even end up on the street when people are placed in desperate situations. They want all the unemployed to be strong and stable so this is a move to hopefully create that situation, creating a stronger and better Britain.


Hilarious, you should do standup.

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It will be the ones with the least amount of sanctioned claims that get the push. The so and so's they will keep.

I hated the attitude of most of the staff towards the unemployed when they took me off long term sick for 3years. Yet it was one of their own that sent me back to my doctor (a different one than the one I had who took a back hander to not stand by his patient).

I have now been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. So I have no sympathy with them what so ever. KARMA!!!

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