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Drive through mc ds hygiene

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This all just seems too ridiculous for words.


Throwing away the drinks - what a complete waste.


How on earth does the OP think the foods gets wrapped up into the boxes and wrappers in the first place - its by human hands. Staff will have thier supposedly disgusting, infected fingers and palms all over it.


For goodness sake, cooks have to use their hands. Every plate, cooking tray, utensil, piece of silverware, glass and cup will at some point come into contact with someone's bare flesh. Its why professional catering has hygene standards and strict rules.


Honestly, of all the places to be concerned with hygene Mc'D would be way down my list. I can say from my own past experience that if the OP saw the inside of most professional working kitchens (even the ones in the poshest venues and deemed perfectly "clean") they would be totally shocked.

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Slightly off topic this but I was in Burgerking at Centertainment not long ago; when it was (eventually) my turn to be served the girl at the counter (who to be fare wasn't looking at me) said "hello can I take your order", so I began speaking, and she stopped me, and gestured that she was speaking into her mouth-piece thing to someone in the drive through!! Amazing.

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Guest sibon
No I did not we binned them ,thing is who knows where here hands have been

This is how germs ,bacteria spread ,big time


I've got good news and bad news for you, Lien.


The bad news is that you already have roughly 40 000 000 000 000 bacteria on and in your body.


The good news is that a few more from a server's hands are pretty unlikely to make a difference to you.


Have a nice day:)

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I've got good news and bad news for you, Lien.


The bad news is that you already have roughly 40 000 000 000 000 bacteria on and in your body.


The good news is that a few more from a server's hands are pretty unlikely to make a difference to you.


Have a nice day:)



no wonder my legs ache when I'm walking uphill.

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Thing is all the top drive throughs mc don ,KFC, Burger King ,Nando's and many

More had there ice tested and it was said that they found more bacteria there

Than there toilet bowls , the person who served us ,had up to her elbow in the ice

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Just imagine if you never came into contact with germs your whole life, your body would never learn to build up resistance. The more germs the better as far as I'm concerned, that way my body builds up a healthy army of white cells just ready to take on any evil germs trying to harm me.


For this reason I never wash my hands after visiting the loo, I try to use public loos wherever I can, and I handle food as much as possible in deli's etc after picking my nose, and then put it back so that other people can benefit from my healthy way of life.


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It's a similar thing to when people use anti-bacterial cleaners in their kitchens. Unless you've got very poor basic hygiene at home (then you probably wouldn't use the cleaners anyway!) how many people have had food poisoning from food they've prepared themselves at home? Not many if any. And that's because the bacteria in your home is stuff you've come into contact with daily and your body has built up a resistance to it. By killing it off with anti-bacterial cleaners you create a bacteria vacuum which can allow different and more harmful bacteria to take over instead and you also risk the bacteria building up resistance to the cleaners making them stronger rather than killing them. Why do people have such a belief that bacteria is somehow evil and bad when without them none of us would be alive?


How many people do you know who have had food poisoning from McDs? Their hygiene standards are very high as their kitchens are open and due to them being such a big brand they know that any cases of food poisoning would seriously harm their profits. There is no way they'd allow staff to do anything that would increase the health and safety risk.

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Let's be blunt here...How many people actually wash their hands before grabbing a burger from the drive through and tucking into it....Therefore introducing germs straight from your hands onto the burger...


All this ultra-clean fetishism is a nonsense...Ever watched war of the worlds?

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Did you know that one of the worst places to catch germs is in public toilets, how you ask, well it’s when you leave the toilets, wash your hands soap and hot water then dry them in the hot air drier, wrong, it has been proven that the hot air dryer holds more germs than a toilet itself, all the water that’s blow off with heat collects in a warm environment and breeds contamination, but my hands are clean from washing, yes but the contamination is there as soon as you put your hands in the drier, Ok you don’t dry your hands but you open the door by the handle or push in the same place as everyone else even the people who have not washed their hands and may have urine still on their hands personally I let my hands air dry or carry a clean hankie to dry them on and true some bacteria is good for you but not the type that grows in public toilets.

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