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Drive through mc ds hygiene

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I handle raw meat twice a day, every day. Chicken, beef, tripe,Pork and lamb.

My two dogs are on the raw food diet.

Yes I wash my hands every time I feed them and their food dishes are washed twice daily.

However, I dare say, no matter how much I wash my hands/ containers that there is some cross contamination along the way but in the last three years of feeding raw meat neither myself or any other family member have had any issues.

I dare say a young ladies finger on the inside of my cup would be the last thing to worry about.

Gotta go, dogs want feeding!


---------- Post added 11-07-2017 at 18:14 ----------


Did you know that one of the worst places to catch germs is in public toilets, how you ask, well it’s when you leave the toilets, wash your hands soap and hot water then dry them in the hot air drier, wrong, it has been proven that the hot air dryer holds more germs than a toilet itself, all the water that’s blow off with heat collects in a warm environment and breeds contamination, but my hands are clean from washing, yes but the contamination is there as soon as you put your hands in the drier, Ok you don’t dry your hands but you open the door by the handle or push in the same place as everyone else even the people who have not washed their hands and may have urine still on their hands personally I let my hands air dry or carry a clean hankie to dry them on and true some bacteria is good for you but not the type that grows in public toilets.


I like McDonalds toilets because the doors have the handle that goes from top to bottom so that when you have washed your hands you can go high or low to open the door in order to avoid the places where people who don't wash their hands have touched.

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Just imagine if you never came into contact with germs your whole life, your body would never learn to build up resistance. The more germs the better as far as I'm concerned, that way my body builds up a healthy army of white cells just ready to take on any evil germs trying to harm me.


For this reason I never wash my hands after visiting the loo, I try to use public loos wherever I can, and I handle food as much as possible in deli's etc after picking my nose, and then put it back so that other people can benefit from my healthy way of life.



:hihi: :hihi: Best reply of the topic...

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I handle raw meat twice a day, every day. Chicken, beef, tripe,Pork and lamb.

My two dogs are on the raw food diet.

Yes I wash my hands every time I feed them and their food dishes are washed twice daily.

However, I dare say, no matter how much I wash my hands/ containers that there is some cross contamination along the way but in the last three years of feeding raw meat neither myself or any other family member have had any issues.

[b]I dare say a young ladies finger on the inside of my cup would be the last thing to worry about.[/B]

Gotta go, dogs want feeding!


---------- Post added 11-07-2017 at 18:14 ----------



I like McDonalds toilets because the doors have the handle that goes from top to bottom so that when you have washed your hands you can go high or low to open the door in order to avoid the places where people who don't wash their hands have touched.


Oooh! Matron.:P

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Just called at a fast food store drive through ,having to wait a few minutes I noticed the young girl getting our drinks ready,she had no gloves on ,with us having 4 drinks she held the cups in one hand fingers inside the cups while sticking her other hand in the ice bin shovelling ice in to our cups this can't be

Hygienic can it it's only just been on the news about these sort of problems with

Germs in coffee shop outlets should I have said something? Who knows she might've just come back from a toilet break




Paranoid or what !!!!!!!!!! :roll:

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First off I won't eat mcdonalds its just crap disgusting slop providing no nutritional value what so ever just fat salt and junk,I'm paranoid about hygiene I hate public toilets I've got to be absolutely desperate and some to use them definitely not for a number two:gag:, I usually kick the doors open do what Ive got to do not touching anything and go I dont even like touching the taps,there are some real scruffy people about,I know my bits are clean and a lot cleaner than anything in a motorway toilet I wash them every day.

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Good grief. I know its each to their own but what an existance.


We are all mortal. We are all gonna go one day. Live a little.


Its that fat, salt and junk that makes it taste nice. Most people eating processed food KNOW it doesn't have any nutritional value, but every now and then just like most desserts, alcoholic drinks, snacks and confectionery its just a nice thing to have. Its gives a treat and a bit of pleasure every now and then. Happineess is also a part of living too.


As for public loos, I really do think you are taking things a bit extreme.


Unless you walk round all day every day sealed in a bio suit wearing gloves 24/7 your hands, face, mouth and body is covered in bacteria all the time. The body deals with that. Its what its designed for.


Given that the majority of public loos are inspected and cleaned multiple times each day, I would wonder that many of them are cleaner than in some people's houses.

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