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Britain has more people living abroad than any European country

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the Metro link is so obviously, total garbage. UK second only to Mexico in numbers living abroard, they must be kidding.


China only having 3.9 million people living outside China as the article claims, is obviously nonsense. China must have much more than that just in the countries that border China and in the neighbouring SEAsian region, never mind the rest of the world.


the Philippines and also Indonesia also have much more than only 3-4 million living abroard. It must be comfortably 10 million each.


totally rubbish article.


---------- Post added 12-07-2017 at 07:41 ----------



Revealed: thousands of Britons on benefits across EU

• At least 30,000 Britons on unemployment benefit in EU, Guardian research shows

• Unemployed Britons in richer EU states outnumber claimants from those countries in UK



total garbage. In the 1980s British people were able to go to places like the Netherlands and even Norway, who are not even in the EU, and sign on to their dole much easier than a Romanian or Bulgarian can do in the UK today. I knew people that did. They said the Dutch, Norwegian etc dole was better than the UK dole and more generous.


And you've based your numbers on what?

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Reading this no-one has mentioned, that although there are x amount of Brits living abroad, they are not all living in one small country.


I'm sorry I don't see your point.


Are you saying all people who emigrate from China, Pakistan, India etc only go to England?


England isn't small or congested by the way. Visit Brazil, India, Mexico etc to see what congested and overcrowded cities look like.

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England isn't small or congested by the way. Visit Brazil, India, Mexico etc to see what congested and overcrowded cities look like.


England IS a small country. We are only 20% of the size of France and we are congested compared to the rest of Europe. England has the highest population density in the EU and sits at approx 29th place in the world on the scale but 97th for size.

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If the figure of 1.2 million is correct then France beats us, they have 2.5 million

living outside of France and 400,000 live in London. Only 5 more French cities have more

French people than that of London.


Stats can you trust them ?


To be honest the issue regarding the differing statistics highlights the absurdity of the situation.


We don’t know how many of our own people live abroad, or how many from abroad live here and I would suggest we don’t have a clear definition of “live” in order to be able to make that judgement.


So given the current position we are then led to believe that over the next 18 months the Government will have a clear position on the following:


• How many of our own people will be allowed to move to Europe

• When the above has been negotiated then we can determine how many we are prepared to allow to move here

• Upon reaching this decision we then need to create a selection process which presumably factors in things like: Age, Job skills, areas to live and subsequent funding for those areas, family size, employers requirements, ability to move straight away, Educational achievements and presumably other things I’ve not thought of

• Having then decided this we then need to employ an army (probably huge army) of people to monitor: No’s leaving, No’s coming in and this monitoring must involve patrolling coasts (an impossible task to start with) reacting quickly when targets drift from agreed levels (presumably this means change the rules to allow more or less in and out), employing thousands of Immigration officers to check the status of those applying and returning, as well as Border control staff at Ports and Airports

Forgive my cynicism but when we can’t agree on the meaning of “live” or have any idea of numbers already here then how the heck are we going to get all this done in 18 months.


We are drifting slowly into chaos, which will swiftly be followed by anarchy.


Where’s my Irish passport.

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Relative population numbers I guess.


China is what 1.3 billion people?

Out of that enormous number only 3.9 million live outside China?


It does seem kinda low to be honest.


I agree. The numbers for China in particular do seem low.


My original response reads very aggressively which wasn't meant.

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Relative population numbers I guess.


China is what 1.3 billion people?

Out of that enormous number only 3.9 million live outside China?


It does seem kinda low to be honest.


It's not just 'kinda' low. It's probably about TEN TIMES too low. There's probably much more than 3.9 million people born in China people living in the ASEAN region alone. And there's around 9 million Filipino Overseas Foreign Workers at any one time. Other countries with large populations, like Indonesia, also have much more than 4 million Overseas Foreign Workersat any one time. The figures used in the article are more than just suspect. They're obviously totally wrong, by miles.

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