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How much do trades people earn? (Plumbers, Carpenters etc..)

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A realistic assessment of trades people would acknowledge the tendancy to take you to the cleaners.


Hence, prices charged vary massively. Also, there is a constant search for recommendations of someone who is 'good, reliable, decent, honest.' That is so because we all too often experience the bad, unreliable, indecent and dishonest. The type who not only want you to pay for the sign written van but also the holiday in Spain and a new handbag [Gucci] for the wife.


Currently, a friend of mine is in court pursuing a dishonest builder. Clearly one with an eye on the planned cruise from the rip off profit but not on the loose roof trusses. Tell that to the Judge.


Most would accept double glazing salesmen as the being the earth's toe rags. Add to that the car trade in every capacity and virtually alll who work on your home.


Many tradespeople are not self employed. I worked as a tradesman for 53 years and was self employed for just two of those years. Of course I was in the steel business and did very little work in private homes or on cars etc.

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Guest makapaka

Some stupid comments on here which aren't helping the op.


There are excellent tradesman around - the bandits are in the minority.


If the person is looking at domestic trades then I would agree gas / plumbing / electrician are higher earners than others.


There are plenty of site based trades that will pay far more than £5-600 but will involve travelling/working away etc.


Depends what the person wants.

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SO for a 5 day week once qualified, earnings are around £600 per week?


Don't confuse revenue with earnings.


They have to provide for all sorts of things out of that money before what's left is their income.

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YOunger member of the family is thinking about a trade


Is it worth it?


I'd imagine setting up self employed would be quite tricky with costs (insurance, vans etc.....other red tape)


So he would have to work for a company once qualified.


How much do trades people earn when working for other people?


Being self employed has the added bonus of being able to do cash in hand jobs , which help claw back some of the running costs .

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