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Jacob Rees Mogg

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Maybe so, but as a previous poster stated - the country bereft of quality Politicians at the moment (and probably will be for a long time).

He seems straight talking and quite a likeable chap.

Anybody seen the video of him on YouTube with Ali G ?


---------- Post added 11-07-2017 at 20:20 ----------



Absolutely frightening.

The ABC Conundrum.




Corbyn :hihi:


Straight talking? When he uses words like floccinaucinihilipilification? :)


Likeable, a good debater but due to his voting record he is too old school Tory to be a leader.


Lack of quality all round with regards to MP's but Mogg isn't the answer.

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Wow , hilarious comeback but always fancied myself as a personal valet


Stop embarrassing yourself. Why don't you go the whole hog and learn how to doff your cap and curtsy deeper ?


Gawd bless ya gov !:hihi:


---------- Post added 13-07-2017 at 07:39 ----------


Hmmm, lets see who the real nasty party is:


Labour MPs go to police over death threats after refusal to back Jeremy Corbyn



Labour sacks parliamentary candidate Trevor Merralls over Islam tweets



Activist Who Stood Beside Corbyn at Campaign Launch Quits Party Over anti-Semitic, Racist Tweets



Labour Party Conference 2016: ‘Anti-Semitic, Racist’ Leaflets Distributed Outside Momentum Event





I think everyone knows who the nasty party is. It's the one that's supported by the Mail, Sun, Express, Telegraph etc and presumably Breitbart. You should realise that the Independent when it was last in print, told its readership to vote Conservative in 2015.


But you stick with the unbiased news outlets

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I find it amusing that people who voted for Brexit because they wanted to stick two fingers up at the Establishment...


Now where was the discussion of those people in parliament?

I recall none at all. The government couldn't possibly bring it up and the opposition were too busy imploding.

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