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Eczema in the summer

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Does anyone else on here suffer with eczema when the weather gets warmer?

It seems that most people who I talk to tend to say their skin flares up during the winter.

At the moment I'm using hydrocortisone cream, and a greasy moisturiser afterwards to try and minimise the symptoms. Having said that, I think I probably need a stronger steroid cream.

with the eczema, I get itchy, painful blisters on the palms of my hands, and on my fingers.

Just wondered if others have this problem, and if they've found anything to alleviate the symptoms?

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Detol sensitive soap is rated by my mate who suffered badly. She's also found that she gets more results by rotating her cream around - i.e. Not the same sort week in week out. You might need a blast of betnovate but that's a prescription job.


I'll see what else she recommends, sadly she's an expert.

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It's been strange this year first time I have ever had any on my body upper chest both sides below my shoulders and slightly on my bicep & Wrists Doctors said it was dry skin eczema and Ive Been on Dermal500 and it has cleared it up well Id reccomend that!


I have had it on my hands to started of as pompholyx eczema which was triggered when I wore a latex glove my mistake (latex Allegery) and after 7 weeks now it has almost gone 99% just keep moisturising I used Zerobase and the doctor reccomended that too!


Aloe Vera Gel from Holland & Barrett really helped too :)

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I've heard udder cream works well for dry skin, worked well for my brother when he was having skin problems during chemo.


seems to be widely used :-




Udder cream has lanolin in which brings me out in an angry red rash eek!


Is the problem only on your hands? Do you use liquid soap from a pump dispenser?


Yes the problem is only on my hands, thankfully! No I generally use Simple soap, or Dove. When the eczema is flaring up, I use Hydromol as a soap substitute.


Detol sensitive soap is rated by my mate who suffered badly. She's also found that she gets more results by rotating her cream around - i.e. Not the same sort week in week out. You might need a blast of betnovate but that's a prescription job.


I'll see what else she recommends, sadly she's an expert.


Not tried rotating creams around. Will try that. I'm also thinking Betnovate might be the solution, though didn't want to go down the powerful steroid route. Still if that's what works.


It's been strange this year first time I have ever had any on my body upper chest both sides below my shoulders and slightly on my bicep & Wrists Doctors said it was dry skin eczema and Ive Been on Dermal500 and it has cleared it up well Id reccomend that!


I have had it on my hands to started of as pompholyx eczema which was triggered when I wore a latex glove my mistake (latex Allegery) and after 7 weeks now it has almost gone 99% just keep moisturising I used Zerobase and the doctor reccomended that too!


Aloe Vera Gel from Holland & Barrett really helped too :)


I'm 99.9% certain this is what I've got. The symptoms I have match pompholyx eczema. I have zerobase. I use that in the daytime....I've heard that Dermal500 is good, when I pop along to the docs for some steroids, I'll see if that's one that is prescribed. Am going to ask the Chemist if they have any samples for Dermal500.

Edited by Mister M
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At the moment I'm using hydrocortisone cream, and a greasy moisturiser afterwards to try and minimise the symptoms. Having said that, I think I probably need a stronger steroid cream.


Just bare in mind that ointments can exacerbate the condition especially with pompholyx eczema. Caking yourself in ointment can trigger an itching frenzy as it prevents your skin from breathing. Stick to creams whenever possible.


Top tip: Moisturise first, steroid applications second. Many people think by doing it the other way round they are "locking in" their steroid cream. In fact steroid absorption rates are significantly improved when the skin has been "primed" before hand.


Also antihistamines can be a blessing if you haven't already tried them.

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